With my first born, I gained 55 pounds. She was born weighing 9.5 pounds, and I felt absolutely huge during my third trimester. My gigantic belly is nothing compared to the womb of the mother of the California octuplets Nadya Suleman. I just wonder what this does to the poor mother’s body…loss of calcium, stretch marks, anemia, etc. No matter what you think about the octuplets and their carbon footprint, I find these images of the mother incredible. (Image after the jump)
This picture was taken eight days before the eight babies were born.
Via: Mom Logic
Image: TMZ
My jaw actually dropped.
Don’t worry, Nadya will be spending all of the donations on a major body lift. She needs to make sure she resembles Angelina!
OH. Good. Freaking. ………..::trails off in groans::………..
Holy Moly…that’s freaken’ insane. Hub: Can you’re stomach really get that big”? Me: Not mine, honey- but her’s did! LOL! 🙂
Oh my… I too had a 9 1/2 lb child and felt HUGE. People would stop me in stores and ask “how many are in there?”. I felt horrid! I cannot imagine a belly like that! How is she standing up!?!?! I’m thinking, “Thank goodness that wasn’t ME!!!!!”
i think it is awsome if she wanted 8 children whos bussines is it to judge her there not the ones having to deal with it and so what if she does have welfare the goverment takes care of all kinds of people who are just simpley lazy anyway and so what if people think she looks like angelina angelina isnt all that anyway
i think its crazy that the government would pay for anyone who is capable of working. All these lazy people take money from hard workers and its ridiculous, you need to get off your lazy a$$ and get a job, the only people that need government assistance are the ones who are disabled and too old to work, not the lazy ones who just wanna stay up all night and party.. its crazy.. and then at that they wanna keep on ahving kids, kid after kid after kid.. i mean nobody wants to supoprt you and your kids with all your different babies daddies.. GOD.. get a life and realize that america does not want to support you and your lazy a$$..So take all them food stamps you get and sell em fpr those drugs wit yoru brand new car and then shove all that up your a$$..
That’s ridiculous.
that unbelievable!
Ugh! It doesn’t look like a pregnancy, it looks like a giant breast with an uncoloured nipple. How absolutely revolting.
That actually makes me feel sick.
How did she manage to stand upright?
the entire business surrounding this event is a disgrace, from the lack of ethics on the part of the clinic to the stupidity and cupidity of this woman. she had better be one hell of a mother to all those children. if she starts treating this like a cash cow to be milked, child welfare authorities better be on her case.
I had single births {2} and i felt huge with both pregnancies, wow i guess i cant complain that i was big anymore after seeing her pic, but here is my thought on her having 14 kids, {1} thank god its not me raising that many i think i would have screamed had i learned i was pregnant with 8 babies at once. {2} i think she should get a job and support her family, she wanted these children for whatever her reason was and now their here so do something about it.{3} shes going to have to have help from the gov. even if she does work so why even bother complaining about her being on state help it doesnt do anyone any good to talk about it the main thing is those kids all 14 of them, no one worried when she had six as a matter of fact no one even knew who she was when she was just the mother of six, what about the couple who has 22 now thats something to think about but not one person commented on that lady when she had her 22nd child. I dont condone what Suleman has done but there are more people out there that has large families like that. so the problem is out there, and besides i myself love the fact i have two kids one who is grown and the other one almost grown i personally dont enjoy labor pain, the thought accurred to me that i was dying while in labor with my second child, my first was an emergency c-section it took only one time of labor to make me think twice about doing it again.
Gross. Poor children. They did not ask to be part of a freakshow. Bless their little souls
Wow, it’s amazing what the human body can take. How did she not constantly topple over!
What a selfish woman she is, poor kids!
You can only hate something you hate about yourself, and love something you love about yourself. Everything we judge we reflect from our past.
To all you people saying that she doesn’t deserve the governments help and saying it’s her fault for wanting so many kids BACK OFF!! It’s not like she was planning on getting pregnant I’m sure like all of us she likes to have a good time and when she found out she was pregnant she (unlike the monster you think she is) decided against an abortion because that’s taking eight life’s before they even began !! It’s not like having her give up her benefits is goin to change your life but it will bruin the life’s of all her innocent children!