What do BPA and pregnant women have to do with each other?
A job if you’re willing!!! It pays well BUT here’s the kicker: you must be willing to consume a toxic substance.
Seem a little strange? Just when you think we’re getting somewhere with the BPA issue, we’ve been slapped by a tactic discussed by major corporations in the packaging industry…
According to internal notes that were leaked out by the Washington Post, companies like Coca Cola and Del Monte are seeking out “young pregnant women” to tout the benefits of Bisphenol A or BPA. A meeting took place on May 28th with canned food and beverage industry representatives to combat legislative efforts to restrict the use of BPA.
It’s a known fact that BPA is a health hazard and causes many negative effect on our system. Yet, these big wigs think a pregnant woman is the perfect candidate. At the heels of a federal ban by 2011on food packaging and baby bottles they decide to take drastic measures. These selfish companies have realized that us mom’s are getting smarter. We’re starting to vote with our dollars. We’ve taken the time to learn more about products that are safe for our children (and the planet). Even if making those choices means spending the extra dollar!
The packaging industry knows that mom’s are getting wiser and will spend their money to make healthier choices. We’re staying away from canned foods that are laced with BPA and buying products that are labeled BPA FREE. We’ve hurt their pocketbook and instead of looking for safer alternatives they’ve decided that it’s better to spend half a million dollars in a campaign that uses a pregnant woman to be their cheerleader.
This comes as no surprise. It’s just like the with High Fructose Corn Syrup frenzy…when the Corn Refiner’s Association started realizing that the word was getting out that HFCS had a negative impact on our diet they started playing commercials for us that told us it was okay to consume in moderation. Not to mention, spending time leaving comments on websites reminding people that HFCS is not what people think it is. They started playing commercials and revamping their campaign because we mom’s were doing something. We stopped buying products that contained HFCS.
HFCS isn’t that easy to stay away from either- which is why the commercials never made sense…how can we consume it in moderation if it’s in everything on the shelves at the grocery store. That’s just a little example of we mom’s voted with our dollar!!! Just like we’ve stopped buying items containing BPA. I’m sure many mother’s can agree that this has not been an easy task.
We cannot let these companies continue to treat us like we’re ignorant. Haven’t they started to realize that we us mom’s do have gumption, we will take action and we do unite. Through social media and blogging, we’ve quickly shared issues, such as this sickening BPA PR strategy; attempting to block government bans.
While discussing their appalling ploy their thought processes included:
“using fear tactics [e.g. “Do you want to have access to baby food anymore?” as well as giving control back to consumers (e.g. you have a choice between the more expensive product that is frozen or fresh or foods packaged in cans) as ways to dissuade people from choosing BPA-free packaging,” the notes said. The attendees estimated it would cost $500,000 to craft a message for a public relations campaign, according to thEco Child’s Play › Edit — WordPresse notes. “Their ‘holy grail’ spokesperson would be a ‘pregnant young mother who would be willing to speak around the country about the benefits of BPA,’ “
Thank goodness, for guilt! I’m so glad the minutes to this meeting were leaked. Who in their right mind thinks a pregnant woman would be a perfect spokesperson? I’m sorry but last I checked a pregnant woman are supposed to stay away from anything that can harm the fetus.
Let’s continue to show them we care about our families (including an unborn child) by not tolerating the latest tactic and speaking out about it. To make matters even worse the FDA was rubbing elbows with industry lobbyist and representatives. YUCK!
The FDA and packaging industries’ treatment of the BPA issue is truly disturbing. Obviously, our health isn’t their main concern, it’s how much we spend. Remember that old saying- spend your money wisely? We have a voice, we have a choice and we have the opportunity to turn our dollars against them. We also need to speak out and get word out! Show them we’re smarter than they think we are. Enough said.
Here are links to other green moms who are voicing their opinions!!!
* The Soft Landing
[This post was written by Leslie Quigley.]
Great post! We can all definitely speak with our pocketbooks. There are alternatives out there that we can spend our money on: stainless steel water bottles, fresh, frozen, and glass jarred food, etc. Let’s make sure the industry knows without a doubt that we do NOT want any more BPA!