It’s not too late to get your baby on! This week celebrate the love and closeness with your baby and wear him or her often. Studies have shown that babies who are worn tend to cry less, sleep longer, and eat better. It has also been found that parents who wear their babies are more likely to be content which in turn equals a relaxed baby.One huge benefit of babywearing is being hands-free. Babywearing allows for tasks to get done around the house while keeping the baby comfy and secure.
There are many different types of babywearing options. From slings, carriers, wraps, a piece of cloth or handmade they all have the same outcome. A happy baby and happy parents! Babywearing can br so much fun. Having your baby close to kiss as often as possible and being able to snuggle so closely all while- hiking, bowling, mini golfing, exercising, bike riding, grocery shopping, some house chores or just a simple walk is what makes babywearing enjoyable. It’s worth the investment. The fact that I’m able to move around and be hands-free with a toddler makes the day so much less intense. Both of my sons from birth loved to be worn.
I’m in love with the ERGObaby carrier. We purchased it with our first born and are now using it with our second. It has come in handy on so many occasions. It’s comfortable and distributes the weight of the child evenly. The ERGO is also hip enough for dad’s to wear. My husband loves to wear our two sons and has no problem strapping them on. It’s truly is an awesome sight to see. A dad wearing his baby- now, that’s a real man! As soon as my 5 month old starts to fuss I will often times put him the carrier and he’ll fall asleep. It works like a charm! I think that’s the main reason I love babywearing. When I watch my baby fall alseep and nestle his heads down on my chest it’s the best feeling in the world.
You can usually discreetly nurse your baby which is another great thing about babywearing. A major plus if you’re breastfeeding. Wearing your baby is truly a blessing in disguise. It’s been my saving grace at times. If you haven’t tried wearing your baby, there are many resources online to help you understand and get a better idea of how to wear your baby. On top of all these perks, you’ll get some fantastic pictures of you and baby on the go!
What’s your favorite way to wear your baby?
I am a mei tai lover. I have a 13-month-old at the moment, and putting him on my back saves my skin on a daily basis. He’s happy, he’s safe, and he’s not getting into trouble. You can’t beat that! 🙂
I am so glad to see the attention babywearing is getting. I don’t think there is another activity that brings you closer to your baby.