A teen in Florida may be deported if she refuses to get the Gardasil vaccine.
Seventeen-year-old Simone Davis has been applying for citizenship for almost 10 years. When she was 3, she was abandoned and then adopted by her paternal grandmother, who married an American. The family moved to Port St. Joe, Fla.
Now, because she refuses to get the HPV vaccine, she may be sent back to England. That’s because Gardasil is among the required vaccines for citizenship. This vaccine is not mandated for American girls, though different localities have their own laws.
There has been a lot of controversy regarding the Gardasil vaccine. Though marketed to protect against the types of HPV that cause cancer, it only protects against two of the 15 types that cause cervical cancer (which account for 60 percent of cases) and another two (of 100) that cause lesions. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease, but many cases clear up on their own. However, almost all cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV.
Recently, one of the researchers for Merck spoke out against the highly marketed shot, saying that parents need to consider the risks versus the benefits. Dr. Diane Harper said that there have been as many serious adverse reactions as there are cervical cancer deaths annually. These adverse reactions, such as blood clots. paralysis, and seizures are happening to some young women who get the shot, which Dr. Harper says is not proven to work longer than 5 years.
Back to Simone. She is a devout Christian who has taken a virginity pledge and says that there is no risk of her contracting HPV.
The government mandates that all women seeking citizenship recieve the Gardasil vaccine. And since the FDA just recommended it for boys, it won’t be long before men looking to join us as Americans get the shot, too.
What’s a teen to do? Get the vaccine, or go back to a country that is no longer her home?
Source: UPI
Image: Wikimedia Commons
This young lady should not be required to get the Gardasil vaccine which is harming many of our young Americans each and every day. My child was injured by this vaccine which has taken away an entire year of her life and has cost many other mothers their beautiful children. The FDA and CDC need to worry more about investigating this vaccine and the associated deaths related to the harmful side effects that are occuring than mandating it for new citizens to our country. It appears their priorities are not as they should be.
My family just returned from 3.5 years in the UK. My daughter was required to take the immunization as a Year 8 student in British schools. So, stay here or go back there, doesn’t make much of a difference. Perhaps taking a vaccine that prevents a sexually transmitted disease before girls become sexually active it a good idea? And since males can carry the virus too maybe its a good idea to vaccinate them as well? All the religious/moral/judgmental junk that goes along with the “to vaccinate or not vaccinate” discussions here in the US doesn’t exist in the UK. There the discussion is about preventing virus transmission. Did I allow my 12 yo daughter to be vaccinated so she can have carefree sex with as many partners as possible without regard to her/her parents’ moral teachings/code? No. I allowed her to be vaccinated to foreclose one avenue of transmission of a virus which can, and does, mutate into cancer.
And xenophobic? America doesn’t even approach the level of xenophobia present outside of the London metropolitan area.
Why should anyone be forced to take any medication anyway. If I want to be treated for something I want the choice to be treated or not. Unless i am currently putting other people at risk (which she is not) there is no reason why anyone should be required to take any vaccine. Vaccines often have terrible side affects and do not work well among many people. People need to stop being xenophobic and go on with their own lives.
@R Henry:
I don’t have a problem with Gardasil because I think it will seem like I’m giving permission to have sex to my teen stepdaughter. I’m against it because it wasn’t researched for long enough and there have been inexplicable serious adverse side effects.
Of course all kids who get this vaccine–male and female–should be taught to use protection. They should also be taught to respect their own bodies and that of their partners (because I don’t believe that abstinence-only education respects kids and teens as human–and sexual–beings).
If one of the researchers who promoted this vax is saying she’s not so sure about the cost vs. the benefits, might we all rethink this?
BTW: Will your daughters have to get a booster for this in their 20s? Who knows…yet?
It perplexes me that this would be one of the required vaccines to attain citizenship.
In answer to the question “BTW: Will your daughters have to get a booster for this in their 20s?” The answer is a FIRM NO! I will not allow my child to have the booster as the original shot almost killed her and disabled her. After my research regarding the ingredients of this vaccine and the side effects in VAERS in relation to the total side effects reported for all vaccines, NO WAY! I can assure you the issues surrounding this vaccine are real and I have tens of thousands of dollars in receipts for medical bills to prove it. My daughter is being treated by both Wake Forest and Duke University and she is one of the lucky ones. I know many mothers whose children who have died from this vaccine. Another good thing to research is the Autism rate in the US compared to other countries. The FDA and CDC need to become more educated in what the toxins in our vaccines are causing. I am in no way anti vaccine. If I was, my child would not be vaccine injured from Gardasil as she currently is.
Contrary to what an earlier post stated, there is currently no legal requirement to receive ANY vaccines in the UK. The authorities will make life difficult for you if you don’t want them, but so far that’s all they can do. The last time vaccines were mandatory in England was the late 1800’s – it led to rioting & civil disobedience and eventually the law was changed to allow exemptions. My heart goes out to those Americans who oppose vaccination as I cannot believe the draconian regulations they are subject to. As for this girl – I think she is better off in the UK at the moment, where she can raise her children vaccine free if she wants to.