I am not sure how effective online petitions are; however, I continue to sign them in good faith. Today, I signed the new online petition from the Sierra Club regarding the ban on lead in kid’s jewelry. It appears this is a new petition from the Sierra Club, but it is similar to a previous one. In my previous post “Ban on Lead in Kid’s Jewelry in the Works“, I wrote about the dangers of lead in kid’s jewelry. I just don’t understand how anyone would think putting lead in a child’s toy is a good idea. We don’t even have lead in our paints or gasoline anymore, but we still have it in our toys! This is so disheartening. Here is an excerpt from the text of the petition: “Because there is no safe level for lead in blood and the benefits from lead in toy jewelry negligible, the CPSC needs to push the level of lead in toy jewelry to the lowest level possible. Not only must the regulation prohibit the addition of lead to the product, it needs to force manufacturers to adopt quality-control procedures that ensure the exclusion of raw materials that have lead added or that have lead as an impurity.” Please sign this petition!
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