There are many natural window cleaners available at coops and natural food stores; however, these products can be expensive, and in my experience, their performance leaves much to be desired. It is very simple to make your own window cleaning solution with vinegar and water. This homemade window solution is very effective and inexpensive.
To make homemade window cleaner, combine 3 teaspoons of vinegar to one quart of warm water. Pour the solution into a reusable spray bottle, and you have the safest, best window cleaner for your home. To prevent streaking, do not clean your windows while the sun is on them and use crumpled newspaper to wipe them dry. The newspaper can still be recycled after cleaning your windows. It is hard to break the paper towel habit when it comes to cleaning windows, but once you do, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Vinegar is very inexpensive. A gallon of organic vinegar costs about $12.00 (non-organic vinegar costs about $3.00 a gallon) and will last you for many years of window cleaning. You will find many other uses for vinegar beyond cooking , such as killing weeds and rinsing laundry, as you explore this amazing liquid. It is also relatively easy to make your own vinegar from juice, then you would have a truly homemade window cleaner!
Been using this technique to clean all my glass surfaces since I was a kid. I’m so surprised that so many of us are resorting to high tech fancy gimmicks instead.
This is cheaper and more effective, glad to see you mention this.
I love the fact that this homemade solution is 100% organic. So many chemicals that are being used today are not environmentally friendly. This window cleaning solution is both cheap and natural!
These sort of tips are important because a lot of people in the current day and age to live as green as possible.