Our family’s first adventure into cooperative games was the Yoga Garden Game. My daughter and I started playing this game when she was three years old, as she had shown an interest in yoga. In the Yoga Garden Game, players work together to plant the flowers before nighttime falls. Players take turns rolling the dice to move a bumble bee around the circular game board. Depending on where you land, you get to plant a flower, put a nighttime piece on the board, do a yoga pose, or make up your own asana. The Yoga Garden Gameoffers a unique way for children to learn yoga in a cooperative game.
Eco Dad jokes that cooperative games are games where nobody wins, but this is not true. In cooperative games, everyone wins by working together. There is enough competition in our society, that a little cooperation can go a long way to teaching the values I want my children and students to learn.
The Yoga Garden Game was created by Yoga Kids. Z Recs recently featured a post called “Kids Musical Yoga and the Entrepreneurial Spirit”, which you may want to visit for more information on yoga for children.
This game sounds wonderful!
That looks like a great game. Thanks for mentioning it.