Whether you vaccinate or not, use herbal medicine, etc., there are times when your child will need to see a doctor or visit an emergency room. If you are self-employed, your options for health insurance are very slim, especially if you have a child with a congenital heart defect like my son. He has been rejected on numerous occasions for private, individual health insurance, and without a state supported program for families above the poverty line, he would not be insured.
President Bush has pledged to veto a substantial increase to funding State’s Children Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). This program is used by states to fund health insurance for families who do not qualify, based upon income, for Medicaid (called Medi-Cal in California). Without reauthorization, the funding ends September 30. Currently, states receive $5 billion in matching funds from the federal government. My children have recently enrolled in California’s Healthy Families, which is primarily funded through SCHIP.
Why would our president want to veto something that is good for children’s health? He’s afraid this will start us down the slippery slope of a government-run health care system. He would rather millions of children not have health insurance than allow states to help your youngest citizens. There are many online petitions to support SCHIP in Congress, as we will need a strong majority to override a presidential veto. This reauthorization has bipartisan support, as children’s health should be a priority in this country. With Sicko on every one’s minds, I can’t imagine this would be a popular move by the president.
I totally agree. I just signed one of those petitions through Care2 not twenty minutes ago. It’s sad that while we’re supposed to be one of the greatest countries in the world we have some of the worst healthcare and education systems. Healthcare is a basic right and no one should be denied because of the lack of funds to pay. No one should have to worry about losing their home because of medical bills. Our children especially deserve the best and most often they’re the first to suffer. NOTHING should be put before our future and our children are our future.
This is just sickening! Health insurance from my husband’s employer is over $12,000 a year for two adults and a child!! We could obviously not afford that, so my daughter and I are on a private plan with a $5,000 deductible which hardly covers a thing. It’s so hard. This just makes me more angry!!!
Thanks for posting this 🙂
The reason Bush is going to veto SCHIP is because states are placing more adults into a program for children. I am no Bush supporter, in fact i loath this current administration, but do not make your website become just another liberal rant that the right will stereotype. States are attempting to create universal healthcare (which i am all for), but the fact is that putting SCHIP as the batteground puts children who have no coverage at risk.
What states are you referring to? Can you actually provide a link? It is my understanding that the money is delineated for children only, and that is how it is used in California to fund Healthy Families. However, many states called their programs such, as they hope to involve families as well. Is that so bad? Children need healthy parents too!
President Bush makes it clear that government money for health of the uninsured would hurt private insurance companies. I guess profits take precedent over the health of these children. What else is new, whenever Bush makes any kind of decision..just follow the money…
Wow. That was shocking news. I’ll surely follow this closely. In the mean time you could check my blog at http://google-ads-for–free.blogspot.com/