After recent reports that pesticides are present in children’s urine and saliva, Humboldt County, CA sheriffs have arrested Gina and Louis Mays for feeding their children commercially grown food. This is the first such case in the country that accuses parents of neglect and abuse for not feeding their children organically grown food. The Mays are facing a stiff fine, and their two young children may be removed from the home.
Humboldt County Child Protective Services Director Tina Moore stated, “Any aspect of a child’s life that threatens their well being and health is a concern of our agency. We will not sit by docilely as parents poison their children.” Ironically, the accused parents have an organically grown medical marijuana garden, but they had not considered the effects of pesticides on their own children’s health. Accused mother Gina Mays said, “We thought that if we bought our children food at the grocery store it would be safe. We had no idea how dangerous commercially grown produce was to our little ones.”
April Fools!
Image source: msspnexus
Ha Ha Ha, you got me. That is pretty funny. I could totally believe it would happen in this warped country of ours. LOL Happy April Fool’s Day.
Beautiful, you almost had me believing it was real. HAPPY APRIL FOOL’S DAY! This was a great creative idea. I love it and am sending it to my friends to see how many actually buy it at first reading. Thanks for a good laugh, I needed that. Peace be with you…
I’m reading over this article thinking to myself “What the hell is going on with America these days…” Then, I realize that it’s all just an April Fools Joke.
Good one!
I am baffled by this story. Did the parents grow the food they fed to the children which contained pesticides? Just like the authorities, say, I do not condone parents doing anything to harm their children.
From the article, I do not feel the parents have intentionally done anything to harm their children. It appears that the authorities are being heavy handed. I appeal to them to show a little compassion and common sense here. There are no parenting schools where prospective parents can go to be educated FREE on how to be a good parent. Parenting in America is a very difficult job!!!Instead of finding every little excuse to accuse parents of child endangerment, prosecuting, locking them up, removing the children and putting them in foster care system where they are molested and abused, I am in favor of programs and schools being created to educate prospective parents about good parenting.
Proper Parenting And Preventing Child Abuse:
This may be an April fools day article, but to us it is reality.
All over America innocent some parents are being falsely accused, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for good common sense parenting, caring and disciplining of their children.
Instead of squandering billions of dollars doing this, why not spend those billions on preventive programs that would educate prospective parents about proper parenting?
LOL! I almost believed it.
Real good you had me going there.