I never doubted that I would nurse. I read all articles I could get my hands on and after learning about the huge health benefits for both mother and child, I was sold. But really, when I’m totally honest with myself … I also nursed because I’m lazy.
Yep, that’s right. For all the horror stories you hear about lost sleep and teething babies, it seemed a lot easier to me to just pop a boob out when he was hungry. No bottles to clean, nothing to warm, no formula to shake or measure, just one swift movement and – voila! Happy baby.
For the most part, I was right in my assumption. I never had to dash off to the store to frantically buy formula for a fussy child, or worry about packing the proper amount of food when traveling.
Now I’ll admit, I did suffer from “formula envy” when I heard the tales of babies sleeping for hours on end after they received their bottle. And listening to the rhythm of the breast pump while “hiding” in a walk-in-closet at work was not the most uplifting experience. But those feelings quickly passed when I snuggled in to nurse my son and saw those big blue eyes looking up at me. It’s a sensation that can not be explained – this bond between nursing mother and child. It just felt right to me and it made me proud of what I was doing.
Once we found our groove nursing was easy. We had some rough patches, and a few blisters that I care not to recall (ouch!), but it was worth it in the end.
Enjoy these times. They pass quickly.
Photo Credit: chispita_666 by Creative Commons License on Flickr
I so agree with you! By the time she was about 2 months old my daughter was rooting in her sleep and I did not even have to wake up to nurse her. I would half-waken, make sure she latched on, quick sniff for a dirty diaper & right back to sleep. I had no problems with sleeping with my breasts out and when she woke again a few hours later i would simply crawl over her and let her at the other side.
I slept so wonderfully as opposed to my firstborn that I bottlefed. It is night & day.
I agree that breastfeeding is the easy way out. I always had an instant soother and I got some decent sleep. Plus, think of all the money saved on formula and bottles. Fro once being lazy was the “right” thing to do.