When it comes to going green, kids will learn best by example. Simple efforts that your kids can see and get involved with, like changing light bulbs, refusing receipts, and recycling as much as possible, are all great ways to get kids started in the right direction.
But another way parents can encourage green habits in their kids, other than reading books, is checking out Atlanta-based idBids, a company that offers cool eco-friendly starter kits that help kids take “iddy biddy steps for a greener world.”
It’s clear that many companies are jumping on a “green bandwagon” – creating eco-friendly products not necessarily because they believe it down to their very core, but because they know it’s popular and will sell.
Not idBids.
Each kit comes complete with an organic cotton plush toy, a storybook and field guide (printed on recycled paper), and an organic cinch sack. Additionally, the packaging is comprised of paper dolls and a playland insert, and once they complete the field guide, they can register online and receive a certificate of completion.
My daughter loves the storybook, and every time I read it, I find us getting into a discussion about how we can save the earth. For a four-year-old, that’s pretty darn great.
I’m definitely keeping them at the top of my list when it comes to gift giving. If there’s anytime to get “preachy” about something, going green is it. And what better way to do it with a cool gift. Truth is, the kids won’t even know the difference, and chances are, the parents will thank you for not having to purchase any more batteries.
[This post was written by Kristen Chase.]
I guess I agree with you but maybe if you explained it just a little more I could learn more. Thanks in advance.