First the AMA and now Dr. Phil: the attacks on a family’s right to chose a home birth never seem to end. As a mother who has birthed both of her children at home, neither of which were “normal” births, I find such negative campaigning disturbing and upsetting. Just as I won’t tell a woman what to do with her body after conception, I believe a woman has the right to birthing choices as well.
I’ve never been a fan of Dr. Phil. I feel sorry for the people who are so desperate for help that they air their problems on TV, thinking a talk show host will give them the solutions. I admit, I succumbed once hoping Dr. Phil could help potty train my son and watched his show, but as each child is unique. I had to wait for my child’s readiness. Now, Dr. Phil is seeking out guests to share home birth horror stories.
Did you have a child at your home?
Did you want to have a soothing experience where you were in control and could bond with your child?
Did it not go the way you planned?
Do you regret having a home birth?
Do you regret using a midwife instead of going to a hospital?
Did you have your second child the traditional way in a hospital?
If you or someone you know regrets having a home birth please tell us your story below.
Will Dr. Phil balance these negative stories on home births with positive stories? I doubt it; that might affect ratings. What about bad hospital births? Will this show be followed up with stories of guests who have had negative experiences giving birth in the “traditional way in a hospital”? I hate to break it to you Dr. Phil, the traditional way of birthing is at home. Hospital births are a modern technique.
As you might expect, I was first alerted to Dr. Phil’s plans by my midwife. Another midwife wrote:
They appear to be asking for midwife horror stories. I want to swamp him with stories about great experiences and for the midwives to write and tell their stories. I think it would really help for them to see how people really feel.
If you had home birth and believe in a family’s right to choose where and how they birth their children, please share your story with Dr. Phil. Maybe the media will realize there is more power in the positive. Let Dr. Phil know how you feel!
Image: Dr. Phil
I am shocked at the news of Home Births being demonised in the US – here in the UK they are being encouraged.
Hopefully he will also get some people in support of HB to be on the show as well to show both sides.
I wish he’d have some balance, but I won’t bet on it. Be an episode to watch if you need to be in a bad mood later, most likely.
And I say that as a mom who has only had hospital births.
Oh, I’m hospital birth all the way and I’d have taken the epidural 8 months in. That being said, Dr. Phil is the lowest of the low and he preys on young women who are willing to go on his shows.
Let’s not forget how he was willing to help Britney Spears. Anything for the spotlight, that man is horrible. Contemptible.
I had my first child in hospital (over here in NZ, hospitals are actually very laid back environments – but still hospital) and my second child at home. I would do the home birth again for sure, I never want to have another baby in hospital. Home is so much better for everyone involved, mum and baby not least of all.
None of this surprises me, but I think he’s more likely to find stories of mothers who went the home birth route as the result of a negative hospital birth than the other way around.
rachel: i am currently pregnant with my 2nd baby and have chosen a homebirth because of my horrible hospital experience with #1. so ya, I agree with you.
Dr Phil is a corporate hack.
No man has the right to tell any woman what she should or can do with her own body. That is the bottom line. Dr. Phil is not a real doctor, and Oprah is an asshole for ever bringing him into the limelight. The women that listen to his garbage are self loathing morons with no self esteem.
This makes my blood boil! I hate that he’s misrepresenting home birth to the masses, as if it doesn’t already have enough myths opposing it that AREN’T EVEN BASED IN FACT!!!!!! No studies have proven that home birth is less safe except one that included unplanned home births, unattended home births, and miscarriages. This is hardly an accurate picture of responsible home birth. I am so disappointed…
Dr. Phil said that–real shocking. The man is an idiot. He’s also a doctor so I imagine he’s on board with pushing meds and whatever else they throw at you half the time, when there is no issue to start with.
My mom had 6 at home, no problems. I’ve heard far worse horror stories of women in the hospital who’ve given birth and doctors nearly killed them. Also, when I had my daughter in the hospital, they gave me drugs I never agreed to and also physically broke my water, which I think put me into shock much greater than childbirth ever did. Dr. Phil is a moron…he’s not even a real doctor, is he?
I actually did send my positve homebirth experience to Dr. Phil. I couldn’t believe how negative they made everything sound. If you’d like to watch the video, go here