Birth, a play by Karen Brody, is the story of eight mothers’ experiences giving birth. It has been called “The Vagina Monologues for birth,” by Dr. Christiane Northrup, and the play is part of BOLD (Birth on Labor Day), a global arts-based movement aspiring to create childbirth choices for mothers around the world. The play will be performed throughout the month of September, informing the public “how low-risk, educated women are giving birth today”.
BOLD’s mission is:
- Informing and empowering women about their birth options
- Providing a nurturing environment for new activists to learn strategies for social change
- Reaching out to diverse populations and meeting them where they are
- Using the arts to support new & creative ways of educating people about maternity care
- Encouraging the examination of evidence-based data
- Helping individuals and communities express their own personal truths about birth
- Using a multi-sensory, Arts-based approach to telling and hearing information & experiences about birth
- Providing a vehicle for local community action
- Encouraging new activists in local communities
- Bringing conversations about birth to diverse forums
- Communities taking action to foster local change
- Communities taking their message to people and institutions that can affect change
You can purchase a special edition of Birth, or see it live in from Anchorage to Austin. You can also attend a BOLD Red Tent event, where women gather to listen to each others’ birth stories, which are documented (in film, written word or visual expression) for the BOLD Library of Birth Truths. In two years, BOLD has raised over $85,000 for organizations that encourage mother-friendly birth choices.
More birth stories:
- Labor of Love: 70 Hours of Sheer Bliss
I am so thankful that you women are doing this. I would love to be a part of the Bold movement. I have 3 children under 4, and all were born naturally, all besides my middle child where my water was broke by a pig of a man in a small town. My son was born 3 and 1/2 weeks early, black and blue from head to toe from the pitossin. I suffered post partum because of the hormone for about 6 months. I actively approach pregnant women whenever I see them to encourage them to birth naturally and write up a birthing plan. I can only do so much on my own, though helping one woman at a time is worth alot to me, I would love to be a part of your action. Please let me know how I can help. I live in Ogden Utah.
Lots of love and prayers to you…
very intresting
Aloha all VM lovers
i’ve seen TVM 3x live in Eugene, wow! very inspiring us on women’s fears, abuse & denial/neglect natural body, emotions & fertility awareness. I’m so glad for this site -‘VM for Birth’, as i’m writing a book & play of skits: “OUR BABY DIALOGS ~ Natural Home-birthing, Midwifery & Medical Delivery”exposing the blessings; & tragedies of- normal OB MD SOProtocols birthing damaging millions of mothers & babies annually suffering 10-20 birth traumas & neglect/birth of 60 BTs we’ve found in last 30 years of learning from hospital birthing experiences. I’d love to conspire with any women, midwives, doulas, mothers, fathers or midwives about this. Esp the VBAC natural deliveries are inspiring.
Am also working to organize a women’s panel discussion of realities of “Natural Birthing & Health, Midwives & Medicine”, at PIELC done over 30+ years with 2000 annual attendees.
glad to share with you about any of this after my decades of learning & sharing this infinite field of Vagina portals to living on earth,