During this presidential election cycle, there was a lot of talk about hope.
Hope for change.
Hope that the nation would turn from an abomination to an example of progress and enlightenment.
An Obama-nation.
That’s all well and good, but Barack Obama is not the change.
Caution – Rant to follow:
At the root of much of our nation’s troubles is this attitude of disconnect. We still want to live our lives however we want, and somebody else will fix it, like the President, or Congress, or the FDA, or the Supreme Court.
It’s not gonna happen. When has bureaucracy and legislation ever really solved anything?
There’s a saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results each time.”
As long as we Americans continue to support behemoth corporations, as long as we continue to eat the crap food sold to us by big agri-business, as long as we continue to drive our inefficient vehicles everywhere, as long as we continue to support the war machine, we’re going to get what we’ve always gotten.
Which is an abomination.
Change starts within. When each of us is living in accordance with our own morals and principles, supporting the businesses and programs and ideas that resonate with our highest ideals, then we’ll see change. Not before.
We are the change.
We are the ones.
All of us.
I see lots of bumper stickers proclaiming “Free Tibet” (can’t argue with that), but I feel like that’s the easy thing to do – put a sticker on your car. What’s hard is to make a difference in our own community, our own village. Heck, if we stopped buying so much crap made in China, maybe Tibet would have a chance. Who knows?
Let’s start in our own neighborhoods and communities, and lend a hand to those in need. Let’s start by choosing to support those businesses that support the triple bottom line, that truly serve the needs of the comunity, not some invisible shareholder.
Let’s not wait for President Obama. Let’s start at home.
Let’s be the change that we want to see in the world.
Image: bobster1985 at Flickr under Creative Commons
I think the point is that Obama is proving to us that our actions can actually effect a change on the world, which is something that it’s been hard for a lot of people to believe over the past 8 years. :shrug:
I couldn’t agree more.
Obama is NOT the Change… but we will find it eventually.
Sebulon: I’m with you. I’m not taking anything away from Barack with this rant, just talkin’ ’bout change…
I so agree with you. I ranted, too on my site this morning check it out!
So true. Voting is using our voice, our power. But it is not enough. We must now all roll up our sleeves. There is much to be done.
Q: When has bureaucracy and legislation ever really solved anything?
A: Rural electrification?
In my neighborhood, rural electrification was rejected. We proudly live off-the-grid, no need for a solution.
Well said.
A lot of rural electrification was accomplished through cooperatives… Community, cooperation, and shared expense.
trying to imply that true, sweeping change can happen without the government in america is foolhardy. if you have strong feelings, vote with your feet. get out there, support or sponsor ballot measures, sway voters to your cause and never stop fighting the good fight. it’s that easy.
I’m a Libertarian for some of the reasons specified in your “rant” (which was actually kind of a refreshing perspective).
Refreshing in that… looking at Obama supporters, what scared me most was the attitude that people expect something for nothing, they really do expect one man to make everything different for THEM. When really, the only lasting change must come from within a person themselves.
Last night in his acceptance speech, the crowd seemed jubilant and emotional. But when he spoke about people making sacrifices, and how solutions may not come immediately, and a lot of work needed to be done by everyone (not just him), the crowd went dead silent, and many faces were blank. I suspect a lot of them really do see him as some sort of a savior – when really, each person can be their own. This seems to be a shock to many of them in the audience.
I for one never have put much stock in government or bureaucracy changing anything for the better. Frankly, government almost always does harm, IMO. I didn’t vote for Obama for this very reason – he led way too many people to believe that “the Beast” can be steered for public good… but it can’t. We’re the best architects of our own success.
My rant’s over now, too. 😛
I agree with this for the most part, and with Sebulon. I feel this election is a clear example of what can be accomplished when we unite as a group with a common goal. Now we need to seize that momentum, that common exhilaration and relief, and keep channeling it while we have the numbers to make real changes. If we continue to act with a common intention we can influence further evolution. We, as a consumer nation, have more power in some ways to make those changes happen than the president ever could.
I agree entirely with the fact that change begins within each one of us. There is absolutely no denying that.
If I may remark on your definition of insanity…
I am a recovering drug addict from London UK. That definition of insanity is one of the first things I latched onto in the early days of my recovery and I believe it to be true also. Addiction is a multi-faceted beast however. The fear of the unknown, of not being in control, is my nemesis. Such fear can, and does, cripple the bravest of men. It is going to take someone who people can really trust if they are to begin to overcome those fears. Someone who can show them that, really, there is nothing to fear from change.
Perhaps Barack Obama has the charisma and honesty necessary to show Americans that they can change the way that they go about their daily lives without any dire consequences, like, for instance, a Communist revolution and an ensuing Soviet style America! I needed help to overcome my demons. Americans do to, along with the rest of the world. Humans obviously want leaders to take them through times of change, we just need the right ones!
I hope Obama can indeed be the beginning of the real change that the worlds citizens really need. And yes, we all need to join in and do our individual best at changing our attitudes and behaviour!
Peace and love
You’ve said it very simply and beautifully. Thank you for putting forth your thoughts – you’ve definitely provided my dose of inspiration for the day!
Thanks for all of your comments!
interesting rant on change in society generally. But pretty shameless buzz-grabbing headline. Truthfully, this story has nothing to do with Obama. And the notion that that either ‘we’ or Obama are the change is false. They’re not mutually exclusive. Both are the change, surely?
Adam – thanks for your comment.
I hear so much every day about how Barack Obama is gonna change everything (and he may help to), and it’s become a distraction for most people I know. They still want to be blameless for their actions.
I still hold that we are the change.
If every one of us only supported the things we truly believed in, the world would be a different place.
Imagine if Wal Mart’s parking lots were empty, but the local grocery stores, co-ops, and farmers markets were full to capacity…
Thank you!
Well said, Derek. One thing I would add:
Most people who are successful in pushing for change get their ideas out, mobilize others behind them and stick to a cause. You’ve got to pick one thing (or maybe two, max.) that you really want to see changed and stick with it. Don’t spread yourself too thin and try to save the rain forest, Tibet, and stop hunger by yourself. Improving the recycling program in your own town is probably more realistic and meaningful than any of that.
I have been feeling very strongly about the work that we need to do in our communities for a little while as well. I think that the internet and blogs are great ways to spread information and share ideas but I have been asking myself how much it has all taken away from actual “real live” communities and *local* community work. It’s easy to “work” with people who only believe and think the same way that we do and to simply hit delete when we don’t agree. It’s another completely to go out and volunteer with people who may not see eye to eye on everything…with people you can’t just “delete.” Obama’s message to me was “get together, organize and work for the change you want to see happen.” It’s my true hope that he will continue to convey this message and to help awaken the desire in each of us to support each other and to work to make our local communities better. That’s one of the biggest reasons I love his message. It brought a significant group of people together to work towards a common goal. If we can remain motivated then we really will work to make significant changes in the world. We need a leader like this to awaken those feelings in the greater majority. He’s done that…can we continue to do our part by volunteering locally?
he is the change we need, get those war mongers out of office tellem see ya ,
Sign Kyoto – is the mantra – pass it along
Word. Change starts with *you*
I totally agree and would like to add a few points:
As long as greed and irresponsibily rule our actions, nothing will change. We need to finally accept responsibilities for our actions, teach our children to live responsible and not expect our government to bail us out. Our government doesn’t have to support us, we have to support our country.
I thought Obama was the Messiah. He could lift his hands and calm the seas. So why can’t he fix this.
Obama is everyone’s dream. He did and still hasn’t said anything on 90% of the topics. Everyone is assuming his stand on everything.
So far he has choosen at least two Jewish people to be on his administration. This pisses off the Islamic, where they thought he was going to be friends to the Islamic.
He has maintain the same Secretary of Defense, the withdrawal time-frame has already been established. So his stance on Irag is the same as W’s Bush, now.
What Change? Just a bunch of campaigning hot air.
Well, at least some people are starting to wake up.
Change? That has been said starting with FDR, JFK, Slick Willy Clinton, and now Obama. Is this change, or more of the same? Each one of these also had a new deal. If it was from FDR, then there is nothing new about it! Should have been called “Old Deal”.
Listen People Obama is a Fraud!!! He is a establishment puppet of the banking cartels. He supports the unconditional legislation Like the Patriot Act and warrant less wire taps. Plus under PDD/51 the president is literally a dictator and can suspend all 3 branches of government, making the excutive branch sole authority of power.
Feel stupid much?