The best way to save money this Holiday season is to keep things simple and homemade. This causes us to ponder how to make the Holidays fun and exciting for kids. Most kids LOVE crafting, homemade craft kits are inexpensive and sure to score big points with the younger set.
Read on to discover some awesome homemade craft kits to gift the kids with this Holiday season.
- Dough Fun- make up several colors of dough, place each in a small container (decorated margarine or frosting tubs). Attach a set of inexpensive cookie cutters along with a small rolling pin and mat. To make dough you will need 4 cups flour, 1 cup salt and 1 1/2 cups warm water. Combine salt and flour in a bowl, slowly add the water. Use your hands to mix. Turn out on lightly floured surface and knead until pliable. Separate into several small balls, add a few drops of color to each and knead in until desired shade is obtained. Place in well sealed plastic container.
- Finger Paints– mix up a batch of finger paints, place them in small (baby food) jars and gift with paper, brushes and sponge stamps. To make finger paints you will need 2 cups flour, 2 tsp salt, 3 cups COLD water, 2 cups HOT water, food colors. Put flour and salt in a saucepan, slowly add the cold water. Using a whisk, beat until smooth. Add hot water (mix again), and cook over medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil. Remove from heat, separate and add colors, stir and seal.
- Flubber- this one doesn’t need any accompaniments. You will need 2 3/4 cup warm water (about 105 degrees), 4 tsp borax, 2 cups white school glue, food color. Place glue and 1 1/2 cups warm water into bowl. Add food color if desired. In a separate bowl, place borax and 1 1/3 cups warm water. Mix well. Pour the glue mixture into the borax water. DO NOT MIX. Now you have flubber. Remove it from the mixing bowl and place in tightly sealed storage container.
- Disappearing Ink Kit- gift with paper and paint brushes or writing sticks. For each Tablespoon of writing solution, you will need a laxative tablet, 1 Tb. rubbing alcohol. To uncover the secret message you need cotton balls and household ammonia. Mash the laxative into powder (I use two spoons for this). Place the alcohol into a small jar (baby first foods is perfect) and add the powdered laxative tablet. Mix until fully dissolved. Now you can write messages using small paint brushes, cotton swabs or thin sticks (chop sticks, toothpicks). To read what was written, place a small amount of ammonia onto a cotton bowl and dab on the paper.
Decorate a shoe box (or other similar sized container such as coffee can or hot chocolate tub) and fill it with your craft kit. Simple knitting, sewing, beading or scrapbooking kits also make great gifts.
Photo from Dreamstime under an RF-LL license.
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