There’s a lot of controversy right now about over-medicating children for both medical and mental/emotional reasons. Before you let your doctor prescribe any medications for your child, please do some research. Ask questions. Lots of them.
I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist, but as a parent, I am very protective about my kids. Messing with their brain chemistry or masking symptoms while the root causes go untreated seems like it will come back to haunt us later.
First, a clip from the new movie GenerationRX:
For decades, scores of doctors, government officials, journalists, and others have extolled the benefits of psychiatric medicines for children. GENERATION RX presents “the rest of the story” and unveils how this era of unprecedented change in Western culture really occurred – and what price has been paid by our society.
The filmmaker talks to former FDA Deputy Commisioner Michael R. Taylor (and former Monsanto-ite), currently being considered for USDA head, and has this to say:
My prayer now is that my new film, GENERATION RX will help to drive Taylor out of the arms of President-elect Obama — and back to Monsanto, where he truly belongs.
The NY Times reports that an “expert” psychologist is in the pockets of big medicine:
An influential psychiatrist who was the host of the popular public radio program “The Infinite Mind,” produced by Lichtenstein Creative Media, earned at least $1.3 million from 2000 to 2007 giving marketing lectures for drugmakers, income not mentioned on the program.
The psychiatrist and radio host, Dr. Frederick K. Goodwin, is the latest in a series of doctors and researchers whose ties to drugmakers have been uncovered by Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa. Dr. Goodwin, a former director of the National Institute of Mental Health, is the first news media figure to be investigated.
Use of Antipsychotics in Children Is Criticized
Powerful antipsychotic medicines are being used far too cavalierly in children, and federal drug regulators must do more to warn doctors of their substantial risks, a panel of federal drug experts said Tuesday.
More than 389,000 children and teenagers were treated last year with Risperdal, one of five popular medicines known as atypical antipsychotics. Of those patients, 240,000 were 12 or younger, according to data presented to the committee. In many cases, the drug was prescribed to treat attention deficit disorders.
But Risperdal is not approved for attention deficit problems, and its risks — which include substantial weight gain, metabolic disorders and muscular tics that can be permanent — are too profound to justify its use in treating such disorders, panel members said.
More Children on Drugs Than Ever: Chronic Prescriptions Increase Dramatically
A new study published in the November issue of Pediatrics Journal shows that the trends for chronic medication in children are way up. The three year study found that the number of type 2 diabetes medications prescribed for kids and adolescents more than doubled from 2002 to 2005, with a high prevalence among girls aged 10 to 19. Researchers from the Pediatric Research Institute of St Louis University and the Kansas Health Institute reported that the number of asthma medication prescriptions for children increased 46.5% over the three year study. ADHD medication prescriptions were up over 40%
Big Pharma’s New Mass-Drugging Agenda Pushes Statin Drugs for Healthy People
Drug companies used to sell products for the treatment of disease. But it didn’t take long for Big Pharma to figure out that the number of diseased people is limited, and therefore so are drug profits. To bypass this problem, they began inventing diseases and marketing them to the public as a way to create new demand for high-profit pharmaceuticals. This is how “bi-polar” came into existence, for example. Same story for ADHD, social anxiety disorder and even high cholesterol (which isn’t a disease in the first place).
There are instances where medication and intervention are called for, but in my humble opinion, treating the body and mind with medicine is the last thing we should do.
Our lifestyle, our diet, exercise or lack of, and our stress level probably have more impact on our mental and physical state than any sort of medicating. And most of the people that I know who have prescription meds for physical or mental conditions don’t do anything but take the medications. No lifestyle change, no self-help, nothing. It makes me sad to see so many people dependent on drugs just to exist. Not even thriving, just existing.
Great post. I want my kids to get better when they are sick, to feel better so I believe the doctors. I ask lots of questions now and push them to give me answers. It is very frustrating.
Clearly we live in a self-medicating society. Of course this means big business. We need to pay very close attention to any and all corporate entities — they are operating in an unfettered environment that speaks to the darkest primal instincts of the the executives — namely greed and a lack of basic caring and compassion — of course they will do everything to SELL you that they are caring, compassionate, helpful entities and that their products are safe and effective — and why don’t you ask your doctor for some of our wonderful new purple & yellow pills perfect for the anxiety caused by massive devaluations of your 401K, or perhaps that foreclosure is causing you grief, or worried about being layed off and your pension being cancelled? No problem we’ve got a pretty pink pill called DONTGIVAFUX, side effects include possible strong desire to shop with a lack of memory of the event, eating at overpriced restaurants, headaches, flatulence, divorce, heart attacks, strokes, and suicide have been reported but in rare cases.
An excellent post. I would like to add my input on the ADHD and Its Drugs problem v alternative workable solutions:
It is a great shame that so many children are diagnosed with the made-up psychiatric term “ADHD” and then prescribed mind-altering drugs (like Ritalin) that have potential, horrendous side effects, which do occur (many cases have been recorded) see for the facts.
It is, in my opinion, a covered up evil that, even though these drugs will possibly give the apparency of ‘working’, though in truth, as well as having a high potential of causing untold harm to our children, also creates untold upset for parents. There are many Dr’s. and like professionals, other individuals, and various groups that deplore the action of prescribing mind-altering drugs (like Ritalin) to children.
Fortunately, there are alternative, sane, workable solutions in helping our children with attention, behavior and learning problems (without mind-altering drugs). Please visit ‘Sources of Help’ page: – which gives the view of many professionals and also various sources of help in various countries (that do not use mind-altering drugs in their treatment). Also included are many books on the subject.
Before any parent allows prescribing of psychiatric mind-altering drugs to their child, I earnestly request they carry out all necessary research to arrive at a sound judgement.
If you have, or know of a child, already taking one of these mind-altering drugs, I respectfully ask that you contact a very good source that offers alternative, very workable and safe treatment solutions.
My best to all,
My daughter has been on so many drugs I questioned the doctor to no availe. Coserta at 4, 50mg tramidole, colonadine, now prozac for nail biting. I am a father that has the right to know about treatments but not the right to make desicions. A nerophyc doctor stated she might have signs but the pediatrion is making all the choices and I am outraged. E-mail me at she is almost seven and it must stop.
I’m anti-medication (we do use antibiotics when absolutely needed). We’ve successfully treated my 6 yo for ADHD by altering her diet… removing all dye, artificial flavor and preservatives and supplementing her with high quality DHA capsules and a broad range of vitamins. Our Naturopathic Physician was very helpful and completely understanding of my desire to NOT medicate my child. Within a couple months of diet and supplementation everyone (especially her Teachers) noticed a drastic improvement. We were dealing with a different child!
Treating your children (or yourself) naturally takes a lot of work and some fine tuning to get the right diet/supplement program. Usually Naturopath fees must be paid for by you (our insurance covers a minimal amount). It’s not the easy way out, but it is the better way!
I agree that before a child is given medication for “ADHD”, the parent should ask many questions and ensure that a thorough assessment has been completed. In our “quick fix” days we want our children to “behave” right away. However, in many instances, kids need to be given time to learn certain skills and how to appropriately act in certain settings. Whenever, “puzzling” behavior occurs with your child, take time to observe, analyze, and think before you rush to medicate. Medication may be appropriate in some cases, and entirely inappropriate in others. Please understand that we professionals are doing our best to be compassionate, but we are not always right. As a parent, you have an inner truth that can take you a long ways. If you listen to this inner truth closely, you will make the right choice.
Steve Curtis, Ph.D.
Author,Understanding Your Child’s Puzzling Behavior