We’ve reviewed other organic baby leg warmers before on Eco Child’s Play, and I really do love the concept. I especially like how easy baby leg warmers make diaper changes during the cold winter months without fully undressing a child. Recently, I have discovered another baby leg warmer company with a great mom solution behind its inception: BabyLegs.
How BabyLegs got its first legs?
Once extreme snowboarder Nicole Donnelly decided to come down from the mountain she chose Seattle, Washington for her next adventure. She settled in the lush campgrounds of Saratoga Passage and soon began her family. Sara, a delightful sparkplug of a child with her mom’s penchant for exploring the world, was dealing with a diaper rash that would not quit. Nicole applied her baby-brains and came up with an ingenious invention.She cut off the feet to a pair of snowboarding socks and fitted Sara, from hip to ankle, with the coolest set of legwarmers. Now she could be diaper-free, rash-less, crawl safely on her knees and parade around in what was to become the latest in fashion accessories.
I love it! Cutoff snowboard socks allowed Sara to be diaper-free to heal that rash but still remain warm and protected while crawling.
BabyLegs comes in over 100 original designs in Original, SuperSoft, Wool, and certified Organic cotton and wool. One special design is Pink Ribbon, featuring breast cancer awareness ribbons. These BabyLegs were created to support finding a cure for breast cancer by donating ten percent of proceeds to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
BabyLegs aren’t just for babies either! Parents can wear them on their arms, as can older children up to ten-years-old wear them on their calves. Even celebrity babies are getting in on the act! Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, and Angela Basset are just a few names of mothers who are adorning their children in BabyLegs. I wonder if Jennifer Beals is a mother; her baby would certainly wear BabyLegs. From extreme snowboarders to Hollywood actors, BabyLegs are practical and hip!
I Love BabyLegs… and you just reminded me that I was planning to get some for the 5 month old I babysit. My kids are in and out all day long and I hate it when I’m changing little Abbs nappy and they door bursts open letting in frigid air.
And the Breast Cancer ones ROCK. Those will be hers for sure!
Yea, I thought these would be perfect for those car diaper changes in the parking lots in winter.
My family and I live in Chicago, and my wife purchased these in advance of the birth of our son (born December 3rd). They make life a bit easier, and more stylish I might add, as we try to do diaper changes while he is in a onesie. I wish we had found these back when my daughter was born 4 years ago!
We’ve been using these for a few years now. We love them. They are especially nice b/c we babywear. When they’re riding in the Ergo, their pants ride up and the BabyLegs close the gap, keeping them cozy-warm and during mosquito season, bite free! Also, we are currently living in Portugal and the kids wear heavy tights under their pants in winter. Not us! We put stylish BabyLegs and get ohhs and ahhhs. This post reminded me that they are great for toilet training – BabyLegs, Bummis, Snap-eez, or Imse Vimse cloth training panties (the three kinds we use) and a shirt (or dress) make trips to the bathroom quick and easy!
Don’t forget that Babylegs (and other baby leg warmer brands) are ideal for EC too… the ultimate in ‘green’ baby bum care! Seventh Generation disposables beat Pampers… Cloth diapers beat Seventh Generation disposables… and no diapers at all, beats any diaper hands down. No landfill waste and waaaay less laundry, both short-term and long-term since EC’d babies tend to be potty-independent earlier than the average. (My daughter just turned 2 and is completely a “graduate”) More than just “quick diaper changes”, Babylegs are perfect for “quick baby potty checks”.