If you’ve been following the CPSIA as closely as I have been, then you’ll be super pleased to know that the CPSC proposed an exemption for certain natural materials from the lead testing requirements. According to a transcript excerpted at Upturned Earth:
Staff toxicologists at the product safety commission told agency commissioners in the memo that some unfinished natural materials should be considered lead free. The materials include wood and fibers such as cotton, silk, wool, hemp, flax and linen.
Of course, these exemptions must still be voted upon for them to go into effect prior to the February 10, 2009 deadline, so your voice in support of these exemptions is still needed. You can find more information about the CPSIA via the Cool Mom Picks Save Handmade resource page.
Additionally, bloggers have started a Save Handmade meme in response to the low numbers of votes and petition signatures on the CPSIA protest sites. Please participate in any way you can and show your support of the exemptions!
[via; photo via Little Alouette]
[This post was written by Kristen Chase.]
This is a great step forward, but if we want color in our children’s products we need solutions that also include the (safe) dyes, paints, finishes, etc.
I am praying that this is passed. I am so nervous about my wee biz. Thanks for the continued support!!!!
Oh, this is wonderful. I’m going to post about this on my blog. We need to spread the word MORE!! 🙂
Thanks for publicizing this but it isn’t just about toys. Toys are only 20% of the children’s products market, it affects apparel producers -and purchasers- too! The central location for apparel related CPSIA stuff is Fashion-Incubator.com. I’d also suggest visiting the War Room for up to the minute updates and focused activism. http://tinyurl.com/5fhzbd
I’ve e-mailed and sent a letter to both Texas Senators and my Representative.
All our clothing is made of 100% cotton and this should be exempt. I hope our politicians realize that there should be exemptions especially for U.S. manufacturers that are totally aware of exactly what goes into their product.