A blog friend and colleague of mine recently shared her annoyance for the grocery baggers who shoot out the dirtiest of looks when you pull out your own cloth grocery bags. As she said in her original twitter comment: Dear grocery store baggers: Please stop looking so sullen … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2009
TV-Addicted 2 Year-Olds Don’t Even Know Their Own Names
Toddlers in the UK could be screened for speech problems because many are so addicted to TV and video games that they fail to learn basic communication skills. According to an article in the Telegraph, "barely a 10th of children in some areas can repeat even one nursery rhyme … [Read more...]
Win A Copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Happily Ever After
Christmas is over, the presents have been unwrapped, the tree is gone and all the pretty twinkling lights have been put away. If you are anything like me, you may be feeling a bit sad that now everything looks so bare and cold in the middle of winter. I have something that may … [Read more...]
Chinese Families Reject $290 Payout for Melamine Milk Scandal
[social_buttons] Milk powder contaminated with melamine in China has killed six children and sickened nearly 300,000 children. Now, those families are being offered pitifully small payouts from dairies to compensate for their children's pain and suffering. The affected Chinese … [Read more...]
Natural Remedies: Organic Herbs and Medicinal Herb Uses
Editor’s note: The following post was originally published on Green and Clean Mom. “Green & Clean Mom can inspire you to try a little harder, be a catalyst for change and to offer you some new tips and news on how to be the green, sexy and sassy mom…I know you are!” Science … [Read more...]