The Green Year, 365 small things you can do to make a big difference, by Jodi Helmer, is a perfect book for anyone who wants to green up their life but not does not want (or simply does not have time) to read reams and reams of information to do so. It seems to be written for us type A people (I guess I am selectively type A), who like lists and short tips.
Each day in a calendar year, the author shares doable, reasonable ideas for making better choices for the environment, and the health of your family. The tips are one sentence (love that!) and there is a paragraph or two explanation about why the issue or idea is important for the health of our planet. Under each tip you can list an alternative that worked better for your life and particular situation.
Many of the tips are ones that we are all trying to do, or what one would expect from a book like this, such as composting, recycling, and reusing. But some tips are surprising, in areas you might not have thought about, such as using number 2 pencils instead of refillable pencils (you sharpen it until it is gone!) or to wash your car at an automatic car wash (which according to the book saves water and most car washes have waste water systems to treat the water instead of sending it straight to the sewer). Even the most eco-conscious out there will find some usable tips here.
By following these tips we can all save money (don’t we all need to do this more than ever), help the environment and develop a more green lifestyle.
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