gDiapers fans are no doubt excited to see that they have some new and adorable options for flushable diapers. Their web site is now boasting several new prints for their “little g” pants including Ga, Ga Pink, Goo Goo Blue, Good Vibe Girl and Good Vibe Stripe, which are pretty snazzy if I do say so myself. It has no doubt been hard to compete with the cuteness of cloth diapers but they are certainly making strides.
The little g pants are the outer shell of the gDiaper system or the diaper cover that holds the flushable inserts. The inserts are the disposable and absorbent inner liners that you toss (flush, throw away or compost). You reuse the gDiaper pants again and again. For about 40 years there have been only two basic choices in diapering. Cloth or disposable. gDiapers offers consumers a third option….a hybrid cloth diaper with a disposable element.
gDiapers were created using the Cradle to Cradle design principles. Everything that goes into a gDiaper gets re-absorbed back into the eco-system in a neutral or beneficial way. The inserts break down completely after only 3 months compared to a regular disposable diaper. Solid waste also gets composted or flushed into septic tanks and sewers where it is supposed to go, not into landfills.
Check out gDiapers and their new prints here
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[This post was written by Tiffany Washko.]
I love g’s because you can also use cloth in them as well as the flushable inserts. Just thought you might like to know that a lot of people who use g’s use cloth in them. One of the big benefits of g’s over other cloth diaper options is that they close in the back so they are harder for little hands to get the diaper off.