It’s come to my attention of late that many of us focus on the difficulties in parenting. We are quick to gripe about our children’s behavior, habits, friends, language, school, clutter and seldom make mention of their beautiful smiles and outrageous thirst for life.
So, I’ve decided to become grateful. Every day I will find some reason I am grateful… it may be directly related to my children or not. No matter what there will be a connection because I am THEIR MOM, no matter what. That is my first job… my first priority.
Tonight I reflect back on our day. I see the smiles on their faces when they come rushing in the front door at the end of the school day. Normally I would focus on the noise and mayhem that follows suit… today I just see those happy faces, so eager to rush in and tell me all about their days.
I see the flush on their cheeks and the joy in their eyes as they run outside to play with the neighborhood kids and they all hide out in their “secret fort” which is a small cluster of trees with a barren dirt floor in the middle. They grab sticks and draw in the dirt… or suddenly they are knights engaged in a battle of swords.
Today I saw they wonder on their faces as they scouted out tiny four leaf clovers and scooping up handfuls of freshly cut grass to build bird nests with.
Yes, I am grateful to be a parent… to have these wonderful little people around to remind me of the bounties of nature, of the delights in a flavorful piece of fruit plucked directly from the vine, of the many uses for grass, twigs and rocks.
Tomorrow I will take these messy critters into the kitchen and let them knead bread dough and I will not cringe at the mess or the noise. I will delight in their squeals and laughter… I will remember what it was like to be a child, to live when the world was endless possibilities.
I am grateful for the laughter of children. There is no sound more genuine.
I see so many good writings advising parents on raising their children. My book, “The IKE Disease,” is different. IKE is a one on one counseling session encouraging the reader (teenagers) to make decisions leading to a successful, happy life. The main theme in the book is obedience to parents. Every student I have known who made it their business to disobey their parents suffered great hardship. The word, IKE, in the title are initials for, “I Know Everything,” For additional information on IKE please visit my website at:
God Bless!!!
Gratitude is a wonderful! Thanks for this post.
It’s easy to not stop and be grateful. We read daunting posts on BPA, toxic this or that but at least I don’t have tin roof, I get fresh food and I can afford this or that. There’s a lot to be grateful for even while were advocating and fighting for safer products, toys, cleaners, etc. Great reminder.