It’s no secret I am against media for children under three-years-old, so when we received a press release today announcing iPhone Pacifier, I couldn’t resist bashing this use of technology. Sure, I can get behind energy saving apps, but an app claiming to educate children ages 1 to 3? No way!
The iPhone Pacifier 1 is an iPhone baby game application that is both fun and educational. The game teaches infants and small children basic cognitive and vocabulary skills while also keeping the kids’ attention. The application teaches infants shapes, colors, and numbers and features different classical pieces as background music. This educational baby game has settings that can adjust to fit the different skill levels of infants and young children.
Maybe I shouldn’t knock it until I try it, but somethings you know just aren’t right. I don’t have an iPhone, but I do have an iPod touch. Even so, I won’t be downloading this app. I’d rather read and play with my children. Call me old fashioned.
I don’t want to come off as harsh, so I’m already apologizing if I do!
I, too, was a single mom. I know how hard it can be, especially on the sanity. You just want some peace to get things done!
I am no longer a single mama, but when I was–and now–my son (now sons, plural) wasn’t babysat with media. Puzzles, flashcards, vehicles, blocks, coloring…whatever it takes!
Also, babywearing helps!
My sons see fewer than one movie every couple of weeks. Even when DH works v. late and I’m pulling a mama shift that’s 14-hours long, solo!
I’m actually all for this. I don’t have an iphone so I won’t be using it but if I did, well, I would. I HIGHLY doubt the claims about teaching children with it are true. I mean, come on. Parents aren’t idiots. We know better.
BUT as a single mom without a babysitter, running errands and doing all of the “easy” work that comes with keeping a household running really wears me out some days. You know, those tantrum days when your child’s screaming, you’ve run out of milk and bread, and there’s a pile of dishes and laundry waiting for you when you step in the door.
I would use the app. Not every day- but for those days, I would use it.
While it isn’t something I’d *give* to my baby first, I can see it being handy in a pinch. When she’s bored and we’ve already been through EVERY darn toy in the diaper bag and all she’s interested in is my phone. (It’s happened.)
oh lordy… usually i agree with you. i mean, i don’t agree with this silly app but i do agree with the iphone/ entertainment moment. i mean, i can’t see even the most interested baby or disinterested parent using this for more than 6 hours or something crazy but as a parent who does use the iphone for sesame street podcasts to fend off a tantrum or a meltdown whilst in places where it would be inappropriate i gotta say i’m happy i have it. my 2 year old says crazy things like ‘persistant’, or spells ‘stop’ or loves cactus all because of those 3 minutes she spends refocusing. AND she understands them! as for computer/ technology applications in general focused on children 1-3… i’m a flash card person and love power point and Little Reader for early reading skills. the important part is still interacting with your child. we still have the puzzles and coloring and yoga… everything. moderation also means that things can be used in moderation.
I generally agree with not feeding Media to babies and I wholly agree that this isn’t going to teach them jack, but man. If I was in- SAY- a doctor’s waiting room with my baby, and we’d been there for 45 minutes and looked at every book in the room and sing every song in our repertoire, and she was crying and annoyed and I was annoyed and about to cry? Oh yeah, honey. I’d be wanting this App.
I had to jump in here because I have the app downloaded.
I think it’s great. Why you’d think it was created to exploit children is beyond me.
For anyone to bash something without trying it seems very closed-minded. If I were to write an article, I would make sure I tried the product before bashing it- Child’s product or otherwise.