If you’re looking for an easy, free way to raise money for your favorite environmental group, nonprofit, school, or charity, the new Freelanthropy toolbar can turn your searches into cash!
The Freelanthropy toolbar is a collaboration with Yahoo! search which uses a customized toolbar and your choice of charitable organization to help with fundraising efforts.
“Freelanthropy provides a customized bundle of online fundraising tools to help enhance or kick-start any nonprofit’s outreach efforts. There are tools available for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Windows and Mac so it’s simple for almost anyone to participate. Charities and their supporters will see your revenues grow every day and can start earning money today! Freelanthropy has partnered with Yahoo! to convert everyone’s Internet searches into cash for charities. Schools, churches, shelters, scouts, environmental causes and thousands of other nonprofits can benefit. It’s free for charities to sign up and there’s no registration or cost for supporters to use the service. Just search the web and your charity earns money.”
If you don’t see your favorite charity listed, you can sign them up for free and get the ball rolling.
Wow, the Freelanthropy toolbar looks like a really cool way to raise money for green charities.