The metal water bottle market has exploded, and consumers are still riling after Sigg’s deception regarding BPA in their aluminum bottle lining. Recently, I was sent another BPA-free, stainless steel water bottle to try, which my son adores. The Kid Basix SafeSporter combines sports bottle with aesthetics to create a unique bottle.
Born out of the movement to eliminate plastic water bottles, the SafeSporter’s limited plastic parts do not contain BPA or phthalates.
Why go with stainless steel bottles from Kid Basix when so many BPA-free plastic bottles are available now? We can give you 300 billion reasons. That’s the approximate number of plastic water bottles discarded around the world every year. Enough to power 12 million cars for an entire year. And that’s just the water bottles! It doesn’t include all the plastic bottles used for sodas, sports drinks, fruit juices and the like. All told, the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times. So using reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global.
ZRecs, the authority on kids’ water bottles, has reviewed the SafeSporter as part of their 2009 BPA Free Water Bottle Showdown.
An attractive 20-oz. stainless steel drink bottle with a sport top, flip-top cap, hard plastic base and silicone gripper sleeve. We loved this bottle’s design, ease of use, and fast flow, but the screw lid’s body, which is composed of a solid central piece and an outer ring, is relatively fragile. The outer ring broke the first time we (accidentally) dropped it, and the attached flip top won’t be hanging on for long. That said, this bottle’s combination of insulated sleeve, hinged cap, and fast flow sport top make it a good choice if you aren’t dropsy, and the base is made of very hard plastic, the most likely drop point.
We haven’t experienced any problems with our SafeSporter. At about $16 a bottle, we think this bottle will be long enough lasting to get your money’s worth.
Have you seen the stainless steel water bottles at Old Navy? If so, what do you think of them. We bought one for our daughter for 5 bucks with a sport top on it. Seems like a great deal.
Recently, we went on a roadtrip and the only convenient way of carrying water was by buying a pack of 12 bottles. I did feel bad at the end of the trip when I was throwing away the empty bottles (for recycle ofcourse).. but I am wondering if there are better alternatives for carrying water on long trips.
But all the stainless steel bottles are made in China. Is there no alternative?
Great idea, looks so clean!
Wow, I like the design. But I find its capacity kind of too small for active adults.
Yes ,John .
All the stainless steel water bottles are made in China .
Our web , many bottles for your choosing .
We bought the stainless steel water bottle from Old Navy. Bad idea! The paint has been peeling and chipping off. It’s disgusting. Has anyone else had issues with these?
I also had problems with peeling paint inside the rim of the Old Navy water bottle. Also, it makes the water taste gross until the bottle 100% chilled.
Planet Zero Gravity’s– stainless steel water bottles are one-liter or half liter size. The half-liter size fits in car cup holders, bike racks and kayaks. They help you stay hydrated and reduce plastic pollution. Planet Zero Gravity is a member of 1% For The Planet and support and are members of many sports/environmental organizations.
Planet Zero Gravity’s owners are active outdoor enthusiasts and have started the company to help ensure our beautiful planet will be enjoyed and preserved.
Lets keep the plastic out of our oceans, rivers, sidewalks and bodies. Buy one today and you will never need to buy another plastic water bottle again! Planet Zero Gravity offers free, fast shipping. Planet Zero Gravity’s stainless steel water bottles are perfect for the road, office, school or trail!
Hello! I definitely believe we need to get today’s youth started on being eco-friendly from the get-go. By advising kids to use a reusable water bottle, we can start saving the planet and start taking steps to keeping it clean for good. I use a Klean Kanteen bottle, and I will never go back!
Keep up the great green work everyone!