The winner is Robin with the following comment:
I took my daughter to the zoo this past weekend, and I think her favorite part may have been playing in a pile of dirt while waiting for our friends to arrive. Giraffes are just for looking at; dirt is for… getting good and dirty.
Congratulations Robin!
Dirt! The Movie will be released on April 6, 2010, but Simple Earth Media is lucky enough to have prerelease copies to review and give away (details below). Narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis, Dirt! The Movie “tells the story of humans trying to re-connect to dirt—the living skin of the earth”. Just ask any gardener or dust bowl survivor…”Dirt Made My Lunch“.
According to Adam Shake of Twilight Earth:
Dirt feeds us and gives us shelter. Dirt holds and cleans our water. Dirt heals us and makes us beautiful. Dirt regulates the earth’s climate. Why do we humans ignore, abuse, and destroy our most precious living natural resource? Consider the results of such behavior: Mass starvation, drought, floods and global warming.
To enter the giveaway:
- Leave a comment to this post with a dirt story. It can be funny story about your children making mud pies or a gardening tale…there’s really no parameters other than it must be about dirt.
- Contest deadline midnight March 29, 2010.
- A winner will be chosen randomly.
- One entry per email address please.
Good luck!
Yesterday I took my brown and white mutts to the local park for a walk around the pond…and we returned to the house as an owner and two brown dogs. Lucy, the white one, had so much fun in the dirt and mud, she was no longer recognizable! Petco bathtub, here we come!
When I was a kid, my mom loved to play in the dirt. She was always gardening. She encouraged me and my brothers to dig in the dirt any chance we could get. I will always remember her saying “Everyone should eat a peck o’ dirt before they die.”
My daughter once ate dirt when her brother told her it was dark chocolate….
i like earth too
Last week my four-year-old daughter and I prepared our garden beds for this year’s plantings. She was thrilled to walk around in the dirt in her bare feet. And every time she saw a worm, she carefully picked it up and placed it on the dirt, telling it “Eat some dirt, worm, and make some good poop for our garden!”
We have prime agricultural land in the city, incredibly fertile rich soil, irrigated by the river and with a longer growing season than anywhere else in the province. We’ve just been through a city planning process to put land and food on the agenda so we are smarter about development. And we won! In the fall a farmer on that land gave away 1000s of lbs of potatos to raise awareness. It was called the Great Potato giveaway and 10s of thousands of people came out for potatos and to see the incredibly rich, fertile land we want to preserve.
a wonderful memory is helping mom get the garden ready
Dirt is one of my kids’ favorite toys. Mud is another. 🙂
my kids were in the sand pile just dumping dirt in each others hair.
I think you have to play in the dirt to have a truly authentic childhood, my sisters and I grew up running through nettles and using the mud to cool the stinging and making soup out of dirt, water, and wild mushrooms much to our mother’s horror.
My son loves to eat dirt, or at least one time. Here’s a picture:
Years ago I loved to make mud pies… actually my mud pies were the best in the neighborhood… lol. I used to put them in pie tins, let them dry out in the sun just the right amount of time, and then pop them out of the tins without breaking or crumbling them… To make them even more appealing, I’d add some sprinkles and smiley faces made out of M’n’M’s. I must admit, sometimes they’d get mistaken for a REAL cake… and it was fun to torment the neighborhood boys by making them think they were real.
A bucket, a few scoops of dirt, some rocks, and water from the rain barrel keep our kids occupied for hours!
I took my daughter to the zoo this past weekend, and I think her favorite part may have been playing in a pile of dirt while waiting for our friends to arrive. Giraffes are just for looking at; dirt is for… getting good and dirty.
My grandmother once told me that was made from the earth, that is the simple way of putting it. The longer version is that we were out in the garden and she was digging and weeding, of course I was underfoot and asking questions. I was a child who did not really like dirt on my hands, I ask why are you getting all dirty granny that is nasty. She stopped and looked at me said you are made of this nasty stuff…. What nooooo, I am not made of that! She smiled and ask me ” Don’t you like tomatoes?” Yes, I love tomatoes and tommy toes. Well what about cucumbers? Yeah I love cucumbers……. Well they are made of all this nasty stuff. No granny, they don’t look anything like dirt…… you are teasing me. No not at all, the dirt gives a little of itself to the seeds to help them grow and get bigger. And you eat the fruit of the seeds and you use a little of the dirt in the fruit to get bigger….. So you are really made of dirt……. That nasty stuff…… I was not sure about that but she nodded her head and went back to work….. I thought about it some more then dug around some in the nasty stuff. It wasn’t so bad except the taking a bath part afterward….
When I was a girl. my grandfather had a cottage on Lake Michigan, and lots of gardens, of course! We always helped plant and weed and pick the harvest. Thanks!
“Hello Sportsfans, and WELCOME to the first annual Mud Olympics! The contestants have been training since Thursday, and they are so excited! FIRST UP is the Stick Aim! The athletes will try to knock down this mud tower. It is harder than it looks! Lets see what the judges have to say. NEXT is the PAINTING EVENT! The competitors will paint mud onto their bodies – as much as then can. And now, stay tuned during the commercial **** We’re back and it’s time the final event – THE MUD FIGHT!!!” Dirt: wet or dry=LOTS OF FUN!
After the MUD OLYMPICS, my neighbor reminded me… special moments like that is what you want your kids to remember.
I just don’t want them to remember me on my hands and knees in the kitchen mopping up the mess that was tracked in!
My daughter once made me an entire mud tea party, complete with mud teacups and mud cake. Thanks for the chance.
sign me up for this contest, i’d really like this one
Yesterday, I had such a nice time digging up Jerusalem artichokes only to find out that they’re very perishable. Heather had only meant to show me how it was supposed to be done, not to actually do it. I confessed my error to Abigail, the chef in the cafe, and handed her the crate of artichokes, which she graciously accepted. When Mark and I went to dinner tonight the special was Jerusalem artichoke soup. Oh my gosh, it was so delicious. Tomorrow, manure pickup in town. That will be fun, wish you were here!
A short history of mud pies.
I loved making them. My father wasn’t fond of cleaning up after me.
I get a thrill when my son makes them. It’s already a neglected art form.
Once when I was about 7 years old I caught the boy next door throwing dirt in my baby brother’s face. I got so mad I threw a handful of dirt at the boy. His mother caught me in the act and came out screaming at me. I laugh about it now but at the time it was terrifying!
shyyviolet22 @ hotmail dot com
We got a puppy from a local tradesday for our daughter who was 3 at the time. She named him puppy witch was fine with us. well puppy grew big and fast. so we had to put a fence accrost the yard. puppy on one side and our three year old on the other. our little one and puppy had formed a bond and would sit on oppisit sides of the fence digging in the dirt. were she dug he would be on the other side digging along. It never acured to me the dog and our three year old were planning a prison brake. the dog dug and she dug till they tunnled there way undder the fence and puppy was able to crawl undder.
My daughter Sophia (4) loves to dig in the dirt for earthworms! She plays endlessly, showing me her finds before carefully putting them back in the earth to “go find their mommies.”
When I was five years old, my parents left suburbia and bought an old run-down farm house. We had a huge garden, planted corn, raised chickens, so I spent a lot of time getting to know dirt on an intimate level. It is an amazing thing, this ball of dirt we live on. Thank you for the chance to win.
When my brother’s granddaughter was very young and just talking-someone asked her how old Grandpa was-her reply “Older than dirt”
My kids don’t make mud pies, but I made them when I was little. I decorated them with flowers and rocks.
My hubby hates dirt. I have no idea why (something from his childhood no doubt) but he absolutely hates it. He won’t even watch western movies because of the dust. He always cleans his shoes and has specific ‘outside’ clothes, shoes, and gear for tending the lawn. Considering my son is only .333333 years old right now, thats the only dirt story I have. This movie sounds like a winner though, thanks!
When I was a kid I loved to play in the dirt. We would make mud pies and sand castles all day long.
My boy once decided he wanted a pet worm. He even made him a nice dirt house in our kitchen. I discovered this after the dog bowl was already full of dirt!
my new phew loves playing in dirt ty.
Mudpies, literally, is what I used to enjoy making when I was a youngen. I was so into my own imaginary world that I wanted to share my pies with all of the neighbors, who probably thought I was nuts!
I live near a lake and when it rains there is a ton of dirt in puddles we like to go down and roll around in the dirt for fun with the kids fun getting dirt all over and fun getting cleaned up
I like making dirt pie, the dessert!
i give my son a bucket of water and he dumps it in dirt and he plays like that with his little cars. he looks so cute so muddy and happy.
I used to make mud pies when I was a kid.
One summer morning when I was four years old, my much older sister came outside where I was playing and gave me a page she had cut from a magazine. It listed several cookie and pie recipes all made of mud. The recipes weren’t so much about what into the mix, but rather, they were all about decorating them with twigs, stones, leaves, and flowers. I remember being so pleased, watching them “bake” on the sidewalk.
My kids are just the same. Give them a pricey trip to the zoo and they will only end up playing in the dirt whilst ignoring the expensive animals. We did however have a fright with a lion once which has stayed with her ever since!