Glitzy, fun and ephemeral, nothing shrieks 'disposable culture' quite as much as the world of haute couture; its 'here today, gone tomorrow' mentality has pretty neatly stitched up the selling of clothes, from the catwalk, all the way down to the clothes store. But for most of … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2011
5 Top Green Parent Posts: Hershey & Child Labor, ADHD & Diet, Increased Sedentary Behavior Before Adolescence, Russian Baby Swinger, Evil Disney Princesses
1. Natural Papa: Hershey’s Chocolate Changes Children’s Lives (but not the way you might think) Hershey is the favorite chocolate brand in the U.S., with 42.5% of the market, but much of the cocoa used to produce their chocolate may very well have been produced with … [Read more...]
Environmental Kid Crusaders: 12-Year-Old Protects Maui’s Coral Reefs
Sometimes the places we take our children to vacation allow them to more closely observe environmental changes than in our own backyards. Visiting a place year after year points out the differences that seem more gradual where you reside. As a child, I visited Summit County, … [Read more...]
Hank D and the Bee: Gray Hair = Green Mind
Does President Obama have whiter hair because he has a greener mind? Hank thinks so. Related cartoon, video, and articles: Cartoon: Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, and Beck Wear Speedos to Fight Global Warming Video: Steven Chu's "make it white" video clip from the Daily Show … [Read more...]
One More Girl: Help Expose the Dangers of Gardasil
ONE MORE GIRL from ThinkExist Productions on Vimeo. When Gardasil first hit the market in 2006, I had of course heard of cervical cancer, but I had no idea you could get cancer from a virus. If you are like me, you'd never heard of HPV. The initial controversy surrounding … [Read more...]