How old were you or your daughters when you began experimenting with make up? I was in the sixth grade when tried eye shadow, but I certainly wasn’t concerned with anti-aging products as a tween. I abandoned make up all together when I was sixteen-years-old.
Wal*Mart, in their typical marketing style, has introduced a new line of make up for tweens (eight- to twelve-year-olds) called Geo Girl. Lucky for today’s girls, these products also contain anti-aging ingredients. You are never too young to start worrying about wrinkles!
The Daily Mail reports:
Retail giant Walmart has added a new range of anti-aging make-up to its shelves – aimed at young children.
The new ‘Geo-Girl’ beauty line is said to be aimed at the ‘tween’ market of 8-12 year olds, and will include blusher, mascara, face shimmer and lipstick that is ‘mother approved’, as well as anti aging products.
According to the marketing team behind the line the formulas are designed for ‘young skin’ and contain natural ingredients like white willow bark, chamomile, lavender and calendula, as well as anti-oxidants which are said to prevent aging.
Wal*Mart estimates the tween make up market is worth 2 billion dollars!
I commend Wal*Mart for making these products eco-friendly; however, I don’t quite trust the company to truly do so. Recyclable packaging and a few natural ingredients are not enough, but I have not seen a full disclosure of ingredients to know for sure. What I do know is that targeting eight-year-olds for make up, let alone anti-aging make up, sends the wrong message about the natural beauty our daughters possess. Alternet explains:
The big sell is that Geo Girl is an eco-friendly and therefore healthy brand for children who just happen to wear makeup. Unlike other real makeup that may irritate babyfat with regular use, Geo Girl is real makeup that won’t irritate anything except people with a moral compass. Market research shows that Generation Z girls are very ecologically attuned, and to that end, the products contain no sulfates, pthalates or parabens, and packaging is recyclable. Given the Geo Girl market potential which I had no idea existed until now, they’ll want to consider viable brand extension possibilities early: a bioplastic faux Botox syringe or perhaps diet yogurt calcium chews. If there’s one thing, okay two, the modern woman needs, it’s botulism and milk food.
Yes I agree anti aging preparations should start early and the earlier the better. This should even be an education taught at school. There are a lot of women who at their 20’s look like they are already 30. I think that this could be avoided if they knew about skincare early on.