Anyone with a family, especially young children, strives to provide the healthiest and greenest living environment possible. Not only is this beneficial to the entire family’s health, but it is also a great way to teach your family about green living.
Many people suffer from minor health complaints on a daily basis as a result of their unhealthy environment. Although these might not be life-threatening, they can cause a significant disruption to everyday life, like various seasonal and lifetime allergies. Thankfully, there are several steps which can be taken in order to minimize the number of allergens we are regularly exposed to inside and outside our homes, where we tend to spend the most time. Everyday Health has compiled a panel of 22 design and allergist experts to provide top advice on building (and remodeling) the healthiest home and on minimizing indoor and outdoor allergies.
If you have an older home, for example, you may be at risk from certain types of allergens, like mold, asbestos and hidden dust, which can be harmful to the entire family. However, there are number of actions you can take in order to bring your living space up to current standards and eliminate any toxic substances, updating insulation systems and eliminating wall-to-wall carpet. In the case that you are moving into a new home, beware of toxic chemicals in home-decorating products and look for natural, sustainable materials from local sources.
One of the most common causes of home allergies can be pets. Since many young children (and adults) love animals, this may seem impossible to solve but does not mean you have to establish a pet-free household. There are several things that you might consider in order to lessen the impact of animal allergens on your family that, fortunately, do not involve using harmful chemicals that are damaging to the environment, including grooming and washing your pet outside of the home and using a portable HEPA filter designed specifically for pet owners.
If you’re keen to create a healthy and allergy-free home, try more tips featured in the full Everyday Health Experts Weigh In: Healthy Home Panel. To learn more about healthy living and health resources, check out
Photo: Some rights reserved by dgthekneelo
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