I fear genetically engineered (GE) food. I fear that the true consequences to agriculture and our health will not be known for decades. It is Frankenfood from a bad horror movie, only it is currently our reality.
Furthermore, we don’t even know what products contain GE ingredients, as mandatory labeling is not required by the FDA.
It’s time to ask Congress to do something about this scary situation.
The Center for Food Safety explains:
In the U.S., we pride ourselves on having choices and making informed decisions. Under current FDA regulations, we don’t have that choice when it comes to GE ingredients in the foods we purchase and feed our families. This led the Center for Food Safety to submit a legal petition to the FDA demanding that the agency require the labeling of GE foods. In response, Senator Barbara Boxer (CA) and Representative Peter DeFazio (OR) have authored abicameral Congressional letter in support of our legal petition and will be urging their fellow Members on Capitol Hill to sign onto their letter.
Unsuspecting consumers by the tens of millions are being allowed to purchase and consume unlabeled genetically engineered foods, despite the fact that FDA undertakes no testing of its own, instead relying only on a voluntary consultation with industry and confidential industry data to assure safety. Internal FDA documents discovered in prior CFS litigation actually indicated the foods could pose serious risks, but those views were overruled.
Genetically engineered foods are required to be labeling in nearly 50 countries around the world including the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, China, New Zealand and many others. A recent poll released by ABC News found that 93 percent of the American public wants the federal government to require mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. As ABC News stated, “Such near-unanimity in public opinion is rare.” Yet the United States is one of the only countries in the world that doesn’t require labeling of GE food!
With such universal support for GE labeling, why would the FDA not mandate it? Unfortunately, this is another example where corporations and their lobbyists control our government without concern for human safety and health. Corporate profits over common sense. Give people a choice!
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