Soap and hemp have been in the news lately. In two, semi-related stories, researchers have found that certain baby soaps produce false positive drug tests, and Dr. Bronner’s CEO has been arrested for protesting US regulations on industrial hemp.
Surprisingly, many common commercial brands of baby soaps are causing children to have false positive tests for THC. Brands like Aveeno, Johnson & Johnson, and CVS are confusing researchers, doctors, nurses, and parents, especially since these brands don’t even contain hemp.
MSNBC reports:
Certain soaps used to wash babies shortly after birth may cause the baby to test positive for marijuana on some newborn screening tests, a new study suggests.
In the study, urine samples that contained minute amounts of any of five baby soaps — Johnson & Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, J&J Bedtime Bath, CVS Night-Time Baby Bath, Aveeno Soothing Relief Creamy Wash and Aveeno Wash Shampoo — gave a positive result on a drug screening test for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana.
The researchers began their investigation after nurses at a North Carolina hospital reported an increase in the number of newborns testing positive for marijuana.
The amount of soap in the urine needed to produce a positive test result was tiny, less than 0.1 milliliters, the researchers said.
These soaps receive high hazard scores from the Environmental Working Group, and there is nothing false about the toxic ingredients they use. Non-toxic hemp is not one of them.
I can’t imagine the trauma parents and infants have been through as a result of these false positive drug screenings. Instead of creating “no more tears“, these products have caused social services to make false accusations and put parents through hell. MSNBC continues:
A screening test that indicates a baby has been exposed to marijuana can lead to the involvement of social services, and accusations of child abuse, the researchers said.
Given these consequences, it’s important for health-care providers and laboratory staffs to be aware that these soaps may lead to a positive test for marijuana, and to consider confirming positive tests with a more sensitive method, the researchers said.
“We really did this to help protect families from being falsely accused” of drug use, and to help ensure that intervention efforts are directed to babies who are truly at risk of drug exposure, said study researcher Dr. Carl Seashore, a pediatrician in the newborn nursery at UNC Chapel Hill.
The story reminds me of the true urban legend that you can test positive for drugs from eating too many poppy seeds, only these baby soaps are not made from hemp.
Meanwhile, in news about natural soaps that d0 contain hemp (I don’t know what kind of drug testing results this soap would produce), Dr. Bronner’s soap maker was arrested in protest over industrial hemp regulations in the US.
U-T San Diego reports:
David Bronner, CEO of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps of Escondido, was arrested Monday near the White House after firefighters cut him out of a steel cage.
Bronner had locked himself into the cage along with a dozen industrial hemp plants growing in pots to protest the federal government’s policy that prevent U.S. farmers from growing the crop.
I’d trust [amazon_link id=”B00120VWJ0″ target=”_blank” ]Dr. Bronner’s[/amazon_link] over Johnson & Johnson any day.
Consumption of poppy seeds may cause positive drug tests. Now soaps can be added to the list.
Just over 10 years ago, the Bush administration attempted to ban hemp foods due to tiny amounts of THC in hemp foods. Since then hemp food processors have been able to produce hemp foods that test as “None Detected” in terms of THC.
Now in 2012, some non-hemp based body care products such as Johnson & Johnson’s Bedtime Bath are showing false positives for THC. Will the government ban these products as they attempted to do with hemp foods 10 years ago?
Dr’ Bronner’s liquid and bar soaps do NOT contain any THC. Neither do any of the hemp foods on the market, in particular the ones from Manitoba Harvest, Nutiva, Living Harvest, Nature’s Path, and Hempzels. All of these products are available in the Global Hemp Store store.
Shame on hospitals anyway for washing newborns shortly after birth. They are not dirty!!
So true! I remember just rubbing the skin gently with my midwives.
I’ll tell you right now that Dr. Bronner soap will cause you to test positive, i use it on a daily basis and do not EVER smoke pot and got drug tested at work and my THC level was 3 times the level to pass a piss test…you tell me how that happened if it wasn’t the soap?