Open your students’ minds with French educational school trips
School trips are an incredibly important yet often overlooked part of school life and they can have a highly positive impact on students in many ways. However, many schools try to steer clear of trips and stick with day trips at the most because they think that time in the classroom is more important and they don’t want to deal with the cost or organisation required.
It’s so important that schools recognise the benefits that trips can give students because they can make a huge difference, especially to students who may be struggling in class. Some students find it easier to learn whilst by reading or listening or watching, but others find it easier to learn with hands on work and experience, so trips give them an opportunity to understand things which they may not be getting the hang of in class.
Trips are especially important for language students because they put a whole new type of pressure on them. In the classroom, students can revert back to English if they are struggling with a phrase, and if they want something from the teacher or a classmate they will usually automatically ask in English because it’s easier. In a different country, such as France, it won’t be so easy for them to rely on their natural instincts, and they’ll have to practise using their French vocabulary, which will help them to become more fluent and get quicker at remembering the words and phrases they need.
French educational school trips are a great way of giving French language students a taste of French culture and allowing them to meet and communicate with new people. When a student has never been to a country, they may wonder what the point of learning the language is, but once they have set foot in a new place, they will feel more of a connection with it. By giving them a better understanding of the place and culture, you will give them motivation to learn more about it and try to relate to it more by being able to speak the language.
When students are surrounded by French locals, they will not only have plenty of opportunities to use the vocabulary they know, but they will also pick up new phrases and words, and they’ll be able to develop their accents. By chatting with native speakers, they’ll be able to develop their conversational skills and fluency in the language, and there will be a sense of urgency to communicate with people because they wont be able to buy anything, ask for directions or order food and drinks without using the language. They’ll be able to experience what it’s like experiencing a different country whilst being able to communicate with the locals and seeing this benefit will motivate them in class.
The great thing about French educational school trips is that they don’t have to be long. The country is close, so you can take students for a single night, or even a single day if you’re having trouble organising a residential trip. Because it’s not too far away, it will be relatively cheap, too. It’s not just French skills your students will be able to improve, because they’ll also be able to learn about art, history and more. When you expose students to a new place and new people, you’ll find that they return to the classroom with a more open mind.
Image courtesy of chrisroll /
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