How to Throw an Eco Friendly Children’s Party
Children always love parties. Since this is the way of the world, most parents find themselves throwing birthday parties, as well as other annual celebrations.
If you are an environmentally conscious individual, throwing a party may be more involved. You do not want to produce as much waste as other parties, so you must be more diligent in your party planning.
Choose an Eco Friendly Venue
An eco friendly venue for a child’s party is easier to find than you may think. If you wish to get a little help looking around for child and eco friendly venues, click here.
Outdoor venues work well when you are planning an eco friendly part. Outside offers a lot of space and allows you to set up games and eating without having to deal with major clean up and cleaning products.
If you wish to have an enclosed area, you can rent out a space with an outside element that has a fence. This will provide safety for the children as well as a border for the party activities.
Environmentally Friendly Decorations
Decorations can cause the most angst when you are looking to have a children’s party. Most people depend on plastic or paper cups, which are then thrown away into landfills.
As an alternative to paper or plastic cups, elect for reusable silverware and flatware. Some stores sell unbreakable flatware that proves perfect for children. Decorative cups can also serve as party favors and be sent home with each child to continue to enjoy, rather than being thrown away.
Biodegradable balloons are perfect to give the party a little extra flair. These will break down back into the earth when you are done using them, so they won’t cause unnecessary waste.
For decorations, skip the usual crepe paper and go for things that are reusable. Purchase table cloths that can be washed and reused. For decorations, use flowers and plants of different colors. Add an interesting tidbit about each plant in order to draw the kids in.
If possible, have gold or beta fish in a bowl to raffle off at the end of the evening. Kids who enjoy animals will be taken with the live animal decorations.
Buffet Foods are Best
Serving children a set amount of food at parties rarely works. Some will have larger or smaller appetites, leading to wasted food. With a buffet, kids and parents can select the amount of food that they would prefer to have.
Buffets that offer several different choices of main courses and sides are the best. You want everyone to be able to stick to their dietary restrictions and still have options.
The extra food from a buffet can be packed up and taken home, or it can be donated so that nothing goes to waste.
Children’s Party Games
Instead of pin the tail on the donkey or having a piñata filled with candy, you can have interactive games that will keep everyone busy and happy.
Story telling is a great game for those with an active imagination. Have the kid’s sit in a circle and begin a story. The next person in the circle will continue the story until the last person has finished the story.
Helping kids to discover things about the earth is also a great way to spend an eco friendly birthday party. Send kids on a scavenger hunt to find specific plants, trees, and flowers, in the area.
For younger children, the games of tag, red light-green light, and board games are perfect for parties.
Gift Bags
One good way to thanks guests for coming to your party is through a gift bag. Gift bags can be as creative as you want.
All natural candy and sweets are a good way to introduce others to eco friendly and all natural ways of life. Natural candy, such a gummy bears, tastes as good as the chemically produced gummy bears.
Eco friendly parties are some of the best. You can protect and help the environment, while teaching kids to have the same type of enjoyment at these parties. Birthday parties with eco friendly elements help teach children respect for the environment and that fun comes in many different packages.
Image courtesy of FrameAngel / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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