A guide to allergies in the summer season

Summertime: that season of sunshine, barbecues, spending time outdoors and going on awesome vacations. It’s a favorite season of many, but for those with allergies, summer can really be a struggle. These seasonal allergies can really affect how much people enjoy their summertime activities. So in order to enjoy your summertime outdoors without hiding away inside, it’s important to understand the causes, symptoms and treatments for summer allergies. Read on to learn more:
Summer allergy symptoms
First of all, what do summer allergies look like? Sometimes it can be hard to tell if you’re dealing with a common cold, or if it’s actually allergies. Summer allergy symptoms can include runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, itching, itchy eyes and nose and dark circles under the eyes. You can buy Nasonex online to help combat some of the aggravating symptoms of summer allergies. But how do you actually tell the difference between a cold and allergies?
Cold, or allergies?
Because many of the symptoms are so similar, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a common cold and summer allergies. Some of these common symptoms are post-nasal drip, headache, scratchy or sore throat and runny nose. But while both a cold and allergies can cause an increase in mucus production, you know you’re dealing with a cold if the mucus becomes discolored or cloudy. With allergies, the discharge is generally clear. And while a cold generally goes away on its own in a week or so, allergy symptoms will stick around as long as the triggers are still around.
Seasonal allergy clues
If you notice that your symptoms flare up around particular seasons, allergies are probably your culprit. You might notice the above mentioned symptoms coming around every time summer begins, and this is how you know you’re dealing with allergies. If pollen levels are high one particular year, you might suffer greater allergies.
What causes allergies?
There are a huge number of things that can cause allergies in the summer. However, the most common cause of allergies in the summer is pollen. The pollen count can increase drastically in summer months, causing people to react.
Some other major summer allergy triggers include grasses and weeds like ragweed, cockleweed, sagebrush, tumbleweed, and blue grasses. Of course there are many more, depending on location. Ragweed is one of the nastiest triggers, which usually arrives in August. It can travel for hundred of miles in the wind, so even if it doesn’t grow near you, you might end up suffering an allergic reaction from it.
Pollution is another major cause of summertime allergies. If you live in a city with a lot of pollution, you might experience stronger symptoms during the day when traffic is at its worst. Ozone, which is created by the pollutants from fuel, is the major problem when it comes to allergies. And the conditions during summertime such as strong sunlight and calm winds just aggravate the ozone in the atmosphere, collecting it so it creates an allergic reaction for many.
Another major cause of allergies in the summer is some insects like bees, hornets and wasps that become active during this season. If you are allergic to these insects, be especially careful and always be aware of any treatments you must take post-bite or sting. Fire ants can also cause allergic reactions in the summer.
Unfortunately, outdoor areas are not the only places you might experience allergies in the summer. Mold can grow inside in damp areas, causing symptoms as well. And finally, dust mites come out during the summer, which is a major allergic trigger for many people. They especially thrive in warm temperatures and love to hide in dark areas like beds, fabrics and carpets. Make sure to keep all of these things clean during the summer to avoid allergies. When their residue gets into the air it can cause the symptoms like sneezing, runny nose and many other symptoms.
Allergy treatments
So, what can be done about allergies in the summer? The good news is you’re not bound for an entire summer of sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes! There are plenty of effective treatments to make sure you feel well during these months. The question then becomes: do you prefer traditional or natural treatments?
Traditional treatments
You can easily get over-the counter treatments from your local pharmacy to help treat the symptoms of summer allergies. These treatments include anti-histamines, decongestants, nasal spray, eye drops and nasal irrigation. See your doctor to get a recommendation of the best treatment for your allergies.
Natural treatments
If you prefer to go the more natural route in treating your allergies, there are many options available for you. Try a Neti Pot, which helps to clear out your sinuses and nasal passages. They have been used in India for many years and help many people reduce their summer allergy symptoms. Nasal flushing is a safe and effective way to make sure that your nasal passages are clear and healthy.
There are many foods you can eat which may help to fight allergies as well. Adding these to your summer diet can help you combat the unpleasant symptoms. People who eat a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids have been found to suffer less allergies than those who don’t. So get a healthy amount of fatty fish like salmon or grass-fed meat on your summer grill! Also, chili peppers or horseradish can help clear your sinuses as temporary decongestants. Make sure to avoid any foods that you might be allergic to during the summer months if you might be vulnerable to the summer triggers. You don’t want to be dealing with allergies on top of allergies!
Finally, if you know what triggers your allergies, the best way to avoid symptoms is simply to steer clear of those triggers. You might not want to go out into a field of grass or flowers during these months, for example! If pollutants really trigger your symptoms, spend some time out of the city. Find a combination of treatments and lifestyle choices that work best for you, and you won’t have to suffer from allergies during the summer months.
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