Even though I live in the drought state of California, I am addicted to salt baths. This evening routine helps me relax, releases stresses, and eases aching muscles. There are so many epsom salt bath benefits; however, I have to balance them with my water conservation concerns. I often scoop water from the tub to irrigate my flowers, who also beneits from the magnesium in the epsom salts. This eases my water conserving guilt.
Photo credit: Frank Lindecke via Foter.com / CC BY-ND
Epsom Salt Bath Benefits
Epsom Salt Bath Benefits: Relax
One of the greatest epsom salt bath benefits is relaxation. A shower does not offer the same level of deep calmness. It is hard to rush a bath.
In fact, taking a hot bath is so effective for relaxation that researchers have found after eight weeks this practice is more effective than taking prescription anti-anxiety drugs. ((http://www.prevention.com/health/science-backed-reasons-take-bath))
A hot bath before bedtime actually helps you sleep better. By triggering the body to cool after the bath, natural melatonin levels increase making you sleepy. ((http://www.prevention.com/health/science-backed-reasons-take-bath))
Epsom Salt Bath Benefits: Relieve
As shared in our post 8 Natural Pain Remedies, salt baths are an effective way to ease chronic and acute pain by increasing the magnesium in our bodies.
The Universal Health Institute explains:
The National Academy of Sciences, however, reports that most Americans are magnesium deficient, helping to account for our society’s high rate of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies and stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a host of other ailments. The Academy estimates the average American male gets just 80% of the magnesium required for good health, while females get only 70% of their recommended levels. Nutritionists say Americans’ magnesium levels have dropped more than 50% in the past century…
British biochemist Rosemary Waring of the University of Birmingham found 16 out of 19 people had increased magnesium in their blood after bathing in epsom salts.((https://www.painscience.com/articles/epsom-salts.php))((http://www.epsomsaltcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/universal_health_institute_about_epsom_salt.pdf))

Epsom Salt Bath Benefits: Restore
As mentioned previously, epsom salt baths benefits our bodies by replenishing our magnesium levels. Another important mineral salt baths restore is sulfate. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. Magnesium supplements do not contain sulfate (also spelled sulphate). They are magnesium chloride.
The Nourished Life explains epsom salt benefits:
Magnesium Sulfate is used to treat all sorts of health issues ranging from strained, sore muscles to mental well-being. It is traditionally used in baths, but can be safely ingested as well. It is believed that magnesium can be absorbed through the skin, so while you are relaxing in the bath, your skin will be soaking up the goodness! When epsom salts are absorbed into your skin it can help build brain tissue, support your joints and promote the detoxification of your digestive system. That’s a pretty impressive bath!((https://www.nourishedlife.com.au/article/57056/difference-between-epsom-magnesium-salt.html))
Epsom salt baths have the added benefit of sulfate absorption. Just like magnesium, many people are deficient in sulfate. Foods Matter reports:
Many people are short of sulphate
People with ME, chronic fatigue, depression, migraine, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, hyperactivity, autism, Parkinson’s, motor neuron disease, Alzheimer’s, lupus erythematosus, systemic primary cirrhosis of the liver, and food and chemical sensitivity are usually short of sulphate, or poor at using it. That is a lot of people who could be helped.((http://www.foodsmatter.com/allergy_intolerance/sulphites/articles/sulphates_sulphites.html))
Epsom salt bath benefits this deficiency by delivering the sulfate to our digestive tract via the blood stream. This is especially important for people with ulcerative colitis ((http://www.foodsmatter.com/allergy_intolerance/sulphites/articles/sulphates_sulphites.html)).
Sulfate is so important to our bodies that is in fact suspected as contributing to the cause of autism. Researchers at MIT hypothesize “that there is a strong link between DNA hypomethylation and sulfate deficiency, both of which have been proposed as key factors associated with autism spectrum disorder.”
Researchers are just beginning to realize the huge significance of epigenetic effects taking place during gestation in influencing the phenotypical expression. Here, we propose the novel hypothesis that sulfates deficiency in both the mother and the child, brought on mainly by excess exposure to environmental toxins and inadequate sunlight exposure to the skin, leads to widespread hypomethylation in the fetal brain with devastating consequences. We show that many seemingly disparate observations regarding serum markers, neuronal pathologies, and nutritional deficiencies associated with autism can be integrated to support our hypothesis.
Epsom Salt Bath Soaks by Everyone
We were sent four bath salt blends by EO. Each blend contains magnesium sulfate but adds a special essential oils to target specific needs.
For the ocean surfer and adventurer:
Inspired by fresh ocean air, an uplifting blend of Lemon, Lemon Myrtle, Orange, and Eucalyptus essential oils gives this soak its bright scent. Combined with Organic Olive Oil and Epsom salts, these essential oils refresh the senses while tired muscles are soothed and renewed. Generously sized to share. 30oz, packaged in a recycled bottle.
For the cyclist:
Everyone™ Juniper & Cedarwood Epsom Salt Bath Soak
Inspired by a rejuvenating walk in the woods, a fresh blend of Pine, Juniper and Cedarwood essential oils lends this Bath Soak its lovely scent. Combined with Organic Olive Oil and Epsom salts, these essential oils uplift the senses while tired muscles are soothed and renewed. Generously sized to share. 30oz, packaged in a recycled bottle.
For the “sinner”:
Inspired by renewal, a purifying blend of Juniper, Lemon, Grapefruit, Frankincense, Cedarwood, and Black Pepper essential oils gives this soak its rejuvenating scent. This warming blend of pure essential oils is mixed with Organic Olive Oil and Epsom salts in a soak that will soothe body and mind while you reboot in a bath. Generously sized to share. 30oz, packaged in a recycled bottle.
For the yogi and yogini:
Inspired by delicate balance, a beautiful blend of Geranium, Lavender, Marjoram, Orange, and Frankincense pure essential oils is mixed with Organic Olive Oil and mineral rich Epsom salts. Soak your body in a soothing bath while your mind reboots. Generously sized to share. 30oz, packaged in a recycled bottle.
I’ve always loved EO products. They are affordable, and the company has eco-friendly integrity. These bath salts have been rebranded. Older versions, for example, may say “yoga soak”, where the newer version says “geranium and sweet orange”.
From the times of ancient Rome and Greece, the benefits of bathing have been celebrated. Do yourself a favor! Take an epsom salt bath to relax, restore, and relieve!
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