When I was a child, anytime we visited the doctor we left with antibiotics. Whether it was a virus or bacterial, it was commonly thought that taking antibiotics would do no harm. Not only have doctors over-prescribed antibiotics, these powerfully important medicines … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2016
The low down on Fluoride: Cavity Prevention, Low IQ, Drinking Water
As humans, we make public health decisions with good intentions. One of those decisions is to fluoridate public drinking water. For over 70 years, communities have been fluoridating their water to reduce tooth … [Read more...]
The Most Comprehensive Baby Guide
Friends of mine had their first baby yesterday. Watching the video of this newborn looking around and hearing the reactions of the family and midwife took me right back to that very moment with my first: so much awe. love, and amazement but also anxiety. The … [Read more...]
Temper Tantrums: Stop saying “you are tired”
I took my son to a pediatric ophthalmologist this week. While waiting for his eyes to dilate, we heard a dramatic young girl crying, "This is the worse experience of my life!", "This is the worst day of my life", and "Get me out of here Mommy!" She reminded me … [Read more...]
Reduce pregnancy radiation risk from iPhone, laptops, wifi, etc.
Fearing in utero radiation risks when I was pregnant with my first child, I would not go near a microwave. We didn't own one at home, but at work, I was afraid of the radiation it gave off. The truth is we are surrounded by radiation. From cell phones to wifi to … [Read more...]