Fearing in utero radiation risks when I was pregnant with my first child, I would not go near a microwave. We didn’t own one at home, but at work, I was afraid of the radiation it gave off.
The truth is we are surrounded by radiation. From cell phones to wifi to electric lines to Bluetooth, our bodies are constantly bombarded. Remember Fukushima? Although the radiation from the nuclear fallout has spread throughout the Pacific Ocean, experts advise it is not significant.((http://www.triplepundit.com/2016/10/fukushima-radiation-now-covers-pacific-ocean/)) Still, it is there along with countless other sorts and kinds of radiation.
Conclusive research does not agree on the harmful effects of cell phones and wifi radiation on adults, yet there are concerns. Time explains:
The World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have classified mobile phones as a “possible carcinogen,” which means there’s currently not enough research to say whether either causes cancer.
Earlier this year, a rodent study found heavy exposures to cell phone radiation increased rats’ risks for some brain and heart tumors. More rodent research has tied high levels of Wi-Fi and cell exposure to hormonal shifts and oxidative stress—the kind of shifts that could promote cancer or brain diseases.
But many of these animal studies are “all over the place” in terms of their design quality, Foster says. Animal research often does not translate to humans. Also, many of the most worrying experiments involved rodents that had been exposed to levels of radiation far greater than what people encounter when using mobile phones or wireless networks.
Moskowitz doesn’t disagree with Moulder. But he says the amount of radio wave radiation people—and especially children—are exposed to today is different, and this raises new concerns. When it comes to our long-term, cumulative exposures to all our wireless networks and gadgets, “we’re basically flying blind,” he says.((http://time.com/4508432/what-is-wifi-radiation-cancer/))
I’m more concerned about cumulative radiation than a single source.
Just like with other harmful toxins, the effects on children are greater due to their size and development in proportion to the radiation. Pregnancy radiation risk is potentially harmful. Not enough research has been done.
Photo credit: Jason DeRusha via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA
What is the pregnancy radiation risk from iPad, iPhone, laptops, wifi, etc.?
In answer the question above, the truth is we just don’t know. One study found electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure from cell phones could cause spontaneous abortion. Published in the Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, researchers found:
Exposure to EMF is increasingly common, but the potential influence on health has not been thoroughly determined, especially in pregnant women. Electromagnetic fields may produce biological stress and free radicals, which can make a susceptible population prone to congenital malformations and tissue and cell damages [11]. Long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields may be linked to even higher levels of oxidative stress, with the aforementioned corresponding changes.
There is limited information on the association between EMF exposure during pregnancy and reproductive outcomes [10–18]. Some studies have reported increased risk of spontaneous abortions and congenital malformations, although these results were derived from poorly designed studies.
This study demonstrated an increased risk of spontaneous abortions associated with EMF exposure and confirmed the results of other researches [10,12]…
Despite the lack of a clear understanding of the underlying mechanisms, the present result suggests that the use of cell phones may be related to early spontaneous abortions, thus further study is warranted.((https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4416385/))
EMF Safety Network found research linking magnetic field exposure in utero to asthma.
“Our findings provide new epidemiological evidence that high maternal MF levels in pregnancy may increase the risk of asthma in offspring.” Children born to mothers who had a median daily MF exposure during pregnancy between 0.3 milligauss (mG) and 2 mG had a 74% increased risk of asthma. Children born to mothers who had a median daily EMF exposure during pregnancy over a 2 mG EMF had a 3.5-fold increased risk (a 350% increased risk) of asthma.((http://emfsafetynetwork.org/maternal-exposure-to-magnetic-fields-during-pregnancy-in-relation-to-the-risk-of-asthma-in-offspring/))
Other studies have found behavior problems and hyperactivity a pregnancy radiation risk.
Reduce pregnancy radiation risk from iPad, iPhone, laptops, wifi, etc.
Ironically, I was so concerned about the microwave at school that I didn’t really consider the radiation from my laptop and my pregnant belly.
Fortunately, there is an easy and comfortable way to protect your unborn baby from iPad, iPhone, & electronic radiation: Belly Armor.
The Belly Armor blanket utilizes Radiashield fabric protecting your unborn baby from of 99.9% of radiation. Not only is this blanket effective at removing pregnancy radiation risk, it is also made from organic cotton.
Belly Blanket Organic combines baby-soft organic cotton with the reliable protection of RadiaShield® Fabric. Convenient and portable in your handbag, Belly Blanket is 99.9% effective at shielding radiation from cells phones, laptops and other devices. Recommended for daily use. Belly Armor is on a mission to give children the best possible start. Raising awareness of health risks from everyday radiation + designing solutions to address it.
The comfort of organic cotton and the comfort of knowing your unborn baby is protected from radiation is invaluable. Whether the cumulative effect of radiation from our technological lives poses a significant threat is irrelevant. Even the slightest risk is risk enough.
We know radiation can cause harm. Visit any ER for an x-ray, and the first question they ask is if you are pregnant. Cell phone radiation is not the same as x-ray radiation, but some research has found EMF to be concerning for pregnant women. Not enough studies have been done.
Bioinitiative explains:
The early phases of human development have scarcely been studied with regard to their correlation with EMF. Nevertheless, the very young should receive more attention because of greater fragility and susceptibility of the developing embryo, fetus, and young child to environmental toxins of all kinds…
Infante-Rivard and Deadman [2003] showed that maternal EMF exposure during pregnancy increased the risk of children 0-9 years of age developing leukemia (OR = 2.5, 95% CI = 1.2-3.0, for children of mothers in the highest 10% of exposure). Divan et al. [2008] reported that even prenatal exposure to cell-phone frequencies was associated with a significant increase in behavioral problems of emotion and hyperactivity around the age of school entry (OR = 1.80, 95% CI = 1.45- 2.23). Although the results need replication, they point out an elevated susceptibility of the fetus and suggest a variety of adverse effects of cell-phone frequencies beyond just cancer. A recent study assessed that the exposure to EMF in pregnancy is linked to subsequent babies’ asthma [Li et al. 2011].((http://www.bioinitiative.org/report/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/sec19_2012_Fetal_neonatal_effects_EMF.pdf))
Bioinitiative goes on to explain how laptop pregnancy radiation risk may be of particular concern to unborn children because to the close proximity of the computer to the fetus. Why not place a cozy blanket over your belly while you work, read emails, or check in on social media?
The urge to protect one’s child begins in utero. As parents, we have to trust our instincts and take actions that give us peace of mind.
Belly Armor would make a great gift to any pregnant mother. Precautionary prevention is wise and will eliminate at least one pregnancy worry. As Bioniniative states we should take, “common sense measures to limit both ELF-EMF and RF EMF”.((http://www.bioinitiative.org/report/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/sec19_2012_Fetal_neonatal_effects_EMF.pdf)) Common sense says use Belly Armor.
CommanderClive / Pixabay
Wow! This is an exciting product. Thank you for sharing it. I worry about this not pregnant too.