Safe baby powder and cream are essential to newborn health. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It directly absorbs whatever is placed upon it into the bloodstream, just as if you had ingested. Baby skin is especially sensitive. Infant skin is not fully mature at birth. It has a thinner epidermis and stratum corneum. Baby skin is “more prone to develop certain pathological conditions, such as atopic dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis”, according to International Journal of Cosmetic Science. is evident that the skin maturation process continues after birth and that the adaptation from life inside the womb to the terrestrial environment outside appears to extend over at least the first year of life, significantly longer than previously indicated.((
You wouldn’t knowingly add toxic ingredients to your baby’s breastmilk or formula, so why would you apply it to their skin?
Unsafe Baby Powder and Diaper Cream Ingredients
Talc-based baby powders may cause cancer. Thus, juries have awarded large settlements to victims of Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder. In the lawsuits, plaintiffs had used the powder for feminine hygiene and developed ovarian cancer causing death.(( Given the potential risks, would you want to apply this baby powder to your newborn’s bottom? Is your baby powder safe?
Most baby powders contain talc, like the traditional Johnson & Johnson’s brand. Talc free baby powder often contains cornstarch. Unfortunately, cornstarch containing baby powders may contribute to the very problem they are trying to solve: diaper rash.
Likewise, baby diaper creams contain toxic ingredients. Time magazine in “Johnson & Johnson Is Just the Tip of the Toxic Iceberg” explains why so many personal care products are ladened with potentially harmful ingredients:
Millions of us have put these products on our bodies or our babies’ butts with no idea of the possible health risk.
But it’s actually not surprising. The fact is, many personal care products on store shelves—products we lather in our hair, rub on our skin, and put in our babies’ bathtubs—contain chemicals with known links to health problems, with no warnings at all to consumers.
Many of us assume the companies are using the latest science as a guide to choose the safest ingredients, especially for products used on babies.
We should be able to expect that.
Unfortunately, nobody is watching the store. Companies in the U.S. are allowed to put ingredients into personal care products with no required safety testing, and without disclosing all the ingredients.((
Even companies like the Honest Company that promises, “You can rest easy knowing The Honest Company’s products are made without potentially health-compromising chemicals or compounds,”(( had to recall all of their baby powder.(( They’ve been accused of deceptive practices regarding “natural” and chemical-free claims.((
Safe Baby Powder and Natural Diaper Cream by HealTop
- Do I know what the ingredients are?
- Are there just a few ingredients?
- Would I eat the ingredients?
If the answer is yes, then I feel I can trust the product. We were sent two all natural products by HealTop that meet these criteria: safe baby powder and natural diaper cream. Both of these products are “naturopath approved”.
Natural Diaper Cream – An Amazing Diaper Cream For Your Baby
100% Natural Diaper Cream Made From The Best Ingredients: Shea Butter, Calendula Oil, Flax Oil.
Free Of: Parabens, SLS, Artificial Scents And Other Petroleum Based Ingredients. 100% Herbal.
The Best You Can Have For Your Child.
GMP, Vegan, Natural, Safe, Cruelty Free
Because This Product Is 100% Natural You Only Need To Apply A Thin Layer On Your Baby’s Skin.
Three simple, nourishing ingredients! This natural diaper cream smells lovely and feels very soothing on your skin. It would be the perfect cream for anyone, not just baby. By creating a barrier with a diaper cream like this one, you can prevent diaper rash from forming. It also would work really well on any rashes or eczema. I would use it all over my baby, not just the bum!
Herbal Baby Powder – 100% Natural
Finding A Real Natural Safe Baby Powder Is Not Easy. Famous Brand Baby Powder Was Lately Linked To Major Health Issues.
Healtop Is Proud To Offer A Natural Herbal Baby Powder That Is So Safe, It Is Ok For You To Eat It.This Product Is Herbal, Vegan, Cruelty Free, Natural.
This Product Is Manufactured Under GMP, ISO9000.
This safe baby powder is free of cornstarch and talc. The ingredients are rice starch, zinc oxide, clay, and lycopodium clavatum. Lycopodium clavatum is a homeopathic remedy. It’s common name is club moss.((
Some concern has been raised about lead in clay and zinc oxide from mining contamination. (( Awareness has reduced this contamination in the last decade.
Use this talc free baby powder sparingly and avoid inhalation. It is a great substitute for commercial, toxic talcum baby powders for chafing, as well. This safe baby powder is for adults too and a perfect to replace baby powders that contain cornstarch or talc! I like to use it in my shoes.
Causes of Diaper Rash
A candida yeast infection causes diaper rash. According to the United States National Library of Medicine, causes of diaper rash are:
Candida grows best in warm, moist places, such as under a diaper. Candida diaper rash is more likely to occur in babies who:
- Are not kept clean and dry
- Are taking antibiotics or whose mothers are taking antibiotics while breastfeeding
- Have more frequent stools
Other causes of diaper rash include:
- Acids in the stool (seen more often when the child has diarrhea)
- Ammonia (a chemical produced when bacteria break down urine)
- Diapers that are too tight or rub the skin
- Reactions to soaps and other products used to clean cloth diapers((
It’s easy to prevent diaper. When it flares up, it’s important to use on safe baby powder and natural diaper cream like those available from HealTop. Soothing creams and drying powders help diaper rash heal quickly. Infant skin differs greatly from adult skin. It is more prone to infection.(( It is essential to only use products whose ingredient list you understand. Even better is to ask yourself would you eat the product. If the answer is yes, then it is safe to put on your baby’s skin.
Infant skin differs greatly from adult skin. It is more prone to infection.(( It is essential to only use products whose ingredient list you understand. Even better is to ask yourself would you eat the product. If the answer is yes, then it is safe to put on your baby’s skin.
thank you. great article.