I first became aware of the dangers of nonstick cookware from a student who had a pet bird. Apparently, when you cook with nonstick cookware in the oven, it gives off a gas that can be fatal to the bird. If it is fatal to a bird, isn't this sort of the canary in the cave for … [Read more...]
Green Family Values: Who Speaks For the Trees?
Dr. Seuss wrote The Lorax, the original children’s book on conservation, the same year that Greenpeace was formed. His message, cleverly told with rhymes and silly words, forewarned my generation of the consequences of overusing resources. I wish I could say we have learned from … [Read more...]
Please Protect Our Right to Herbal Remedies
Update 5 May 07: This from the OCA: ANSWER FROM OCA: There is only one group that has launched an alert on this issue, while all other health freedom groups have taken a more reserved stance. After much research and discussion with our allies in the alternative health world, it … [Read more...]
To Fluoridate or Not to Fluoridate: That is the Question
To continue the teeth theme, we are lucky to have fresh spring water flowing from the roots of a tree for our household water supply. Obviously, the tree does not fluoridate the water. Given my son's recent dental surgery and problem with early childhood caries, we have been … [Read more...]
BPA Free Baby Bottles
Many parents do not feel comfortable giving their older infants glass bottles, but there is a BPA-free plastic alternative. Born Free makes BPA-free plastic baby bottles, training cups, and sippy cups. I have not tried out these products, but it is nice to know there is an … [Read more...]