Do you take your kids to the park? Sign them up for soccer or softball? Parents who care about their children's health likely encourage outdoor play and participation in organized sports. In the spring, as we begin to shop for soccer cleats and baseball mitts; it is wise to … [Read more...]
60 Gardening Ideas for Kids
It's already March, which means it is time to get into the garden! One of my greatest challenges when I first became a parent was to figure out how to garden with young children. At first, I tried to rush out during their naps and frantically weed, plant, and harvest. Then, I … [Read more...]
Encouraging Your Child's Activity Level
I made the decision over the holidays to spend part of my child’s gift money on activities instead of toys or tangible goods. As I watch her each weekend taking gymnastics or learning to swim, I know I made the right choice for several reasons. For one, these activities will … [Read more...]
Use Kid Energy to Pump Water
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] We used to have one of these merry-go-rounds on our playground when I taught elementary school. The insurance agent made the school remove it, because it went too fast. … [Read more...]
Eco Trips for Families
In this week's Sierra Club Insider, it was stated that the family vacation is disappearing from American culture. According to Treehugger, a new study by Oliver Pergams of the University of Illinois-Chicago and Patricia Zaradic of the Environmental Leadership Program found … [Read more...]