I take my kids hiking, camping, and backpacking at every opportunity. Real gear is essential. Toys are toys. One way I know I can trust outdoor gear designed for children is if it comes from I company I trust for adult gear. The Princeton Tec Bot Headlamp fits the … [Read more...]
Hank D and the Bee: Hank’s Halloween Costume
Yep, that's a Jeff McIntire-Strasburg mask--Sustainablog founder, Sundance Channel contributor, and the person who got me my cartooning start! The mask may be niche, but the man is a superstar (unlike Scary Rick Perry)! More info for a "Green Halloween" From NaturalPapa: … [Read more...]
Play Deficit Disorder: Bring Back the Dangerous Playgrounds!
Play...it's essential to human development. If you are of my generation, you remember roaming the neighborhood without adult supervision, playing with your peers in empty lots, houses under construction, and playgrounds at parks and schools. Today, I would never think of giving … [Read more...]
Reflections on Backpacking with Children
Last weekend, I took my seven-year-old son on his first backpacking trip. For my ten-year-old daughter, it was her fourth trip into the wilderness. Why do I take my children on these overnight adventures when we already live in a place more wild and natural than designated … [Read more...]
Hank D and the Bee: Happy Birthday Bee
Happy birthday to my amazing wife!!! Follow the rest of the Hank D and the Bee series at JoeMohrToons.com. For cartoon updates and other green goings-on, follow Joe on Twitter @GreenCartoons. … [Read more...]
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