We would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on eco-conscious family living, thus we’ve started a monthly give away. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on any of our April posts. Each time you post a comment, you are entered to win a hemp canvas bag, ideal for grocery shopping. These hemp bags from ReusableBags.com are large, featuring two sets of handles for your convenience. ReusableBags.com features high-quality, reusable shopping bags that will help you eliminate hundreds, if not thousands, of those plastic and paper shopping bags choking our planet. Itβs an easy way to do your part! At the end of the month, we will randomly select a name from our commenters to win an Eco Child’s Play hemp shopping bag. Each bag features a small silkscreened image, slightly imperfect from the little hands that assisted me. If you wish to leave your comment anonymously but still want to enter, please send me your email address at jennifer@ecochildsplay.com. In addition, sometimes I am unable to access commenters email address if they do not have a blog or google account. You can check by clicking on your name in the posted comment to see if a profile is linked to the comment. If this is not the case, please email to enter as well. Good luck!
[…] I am not that self-conscious that I need a stylish reusable shopping bag over my well-used hemp ones, but Green Girl totes are very nice.Β I do think having a separate more fashionable reusable bag […]
It is an awesome idea to to have one’s own shopping bags. I’ve only recently started this myself (and half the time I keep forgetting them at home) however I like that one, it uses less resources, two, I can actually make them myself, and three, it’s less bulk in the kitchen utility cupboard. No more plastic and paper bags accumulating until it’s time to take them to the local natural food co op so they can reuse them. I have been a reader of this blog for some time now (almost every day) ever since you had me link it off of my homeschool blog, Forest Cottage. I have also linked you off of my family blog, Carey’s Cats. You’re doing a great job and I hope you keep it up. I enjoy learning about the different items you speak of.
Thanks, I am also trying to improve this part of my ecolife. I use to assume paper bags were better than plastic, but I read on resusablebags.com that it takes three times as much energy to make a paper bag. Bringing your own bags is really the only option.
I, too, have been using reusable bags for at least 30 years. I just put them in a large tote bag and keep the tote bag in the car/closet so when I go shopping, I have all of the bags that I need. I really like the bags from ReuseableBags.com… very high quality and the baggers love them. I really enjoy looking at some of the “old” bags which remind me of places that I’ve lived in the past… an old IGA bag, a Kroger’s bag, a HyVee bag,a Seventh Generation bag, etc. I throw them in the wash about once a month and voila… they’re like new. In my “purse” I always keep a compact bag for emergency bag needs. After a while it just becomes part of your lifestyle. RE– USE THOSE BAGS!!
I love using the bags that I already have, this bag give away is a great idea. My son gets into it also because he likes to wear his backpack to the farmer’s market. People take for granted that we just have to use plastic bags. I believe we all could use some inlightenment, and some tote bags.
Hemp everything is way cool. I have hemp shoes and purses, wouldn’t mind a hemp shopping bag. Nice blog you have here, found you through thing-a-ma-baby. Missy.
It’s good to support alternative crops. Here in Iowa there is so much corn grown and sprayed with a tremendous amount of pesticides. It’s unhealthy for us who live here and unhealthy for those who eat the livestock that eat the corn.
I live in a VERY small town that hasn’t really caught on to the “green” ideas. I always happy to meet any adult that is environmentally concious, but I feel bigger things can be accomplished if you work with children. I work at our county middle school and started an environmental group. Middle school aged kids are very eager to learn and pass along this information. Just getting the ball rolling for these kids was all it took to start an environmentalmovement. The kids collected 7500 pounds of paper to be recycled in 3 months as well as starting numerous projects and programs. I am so proud to be a part of something making a difference.
I am a single mother of 3 and I have been using cloth grocery bags for the past 2 years..I love to hear that the ‘trend’ is recieving such kudo’s! I still get a few raised eyebrows at the store when I whip out my bags but, oh well. I am so happy to have found this site, as I am always interested in the natural living community and more ideas to help me in my life to help the earth! Thank you so much!
Thank you for offering such a great contest. I leave my shopping bags in my trunk, but unfortunately I forget to take them into the store with me half the time. I am trying though… I am going shopping today and I will do it, I promise.
I always have a reusable bag scrunched up in a coat pocket. However, I have to remember to say “I’ve already got a bag thank you” at the checkout…before the assistant starts packing my bags in a carrier.
Living on the coast makes me very aware of the sheer volume of waste we produce. Plastic is by far the biggest offender and carrier bags cause ontold damage to marine wildlife.
For the same reason…….please, please don’t release balloons.
Good point about the balloons Jan! They are also very dangerous for children.
I’ve been trying to get away from plastic for a month or so now and have a VERY difficult time convincing the store clerks that I don’t need bags (they look at me like I’m crazy and often will leave out the item they had in their hand at the time I spoke and then will try to bag the rest of the items…) and that I’m not shoplifting when leaving the store with unbagged items. π I’d love have more bags. Thanks for the chance! BTW- I’m really enjoying your site. Thanks for all the insight.