Earth Day is nearly past, but there’s a few minutes left to just have a laugh after a day of celebration. I’m about to share my double-secret mom tricks. Now, keep these to just us parents, right?
Now and then, we parents have to be creative. Someday, if our kids are lucky, we’ll share these secrets when they have kids of their own. Maybe. Or maybe we’ll just have a bit of a laugh first then let them in on it. (fun after the jump).
- “All the cookies are gone!” (The last two are hidden because I want them). “I have some whole wheat crackers!”
- My signature secret move: Eye the vegetables on your child’s plate. Beg for a bite. See how much fun it is for your toddler to deny you. Try to “sneak” the vegetable off your child’s plate. Use the “MINE!” instinct to your advantage. Watch child eat vegetables simply because you want them.
- “Would you like Mommy to put you in the seat, or do you want to climb up yourself?” Note that no third option of running off to play is mentioned. This will change by age three when your child begins to make his own options.
- “Which side of the bed did you get up on? Oh, we’re going to have to back upstairs and go get up on the other side now. Ready?”
- “See, Elmo uses a toothbrush. And he doesn’t even have teeth.”
- “Tickle the Pickle!” shout this, then tickle said grouchy child until you have made her forget what the big deal was.
- Serve green fruits like kiwi, honeydew or sliced green grapes, not just green vegetables. Keep them guessing on that whole green food thing. Works for orange, too.
- Find a place where running, climbing and discovery is pretty safe. It’s nice to be saying “No. No. No no no no no NO!” every fifteen minutes instead of every five. Play too. You need it.
- “Uh oh! If you don’t turn off the water, we’ll run out!” Water conservation is a pretty heavy concept for under five. You can revisit this one later.
- Didn’t eat well? Have dessert for the big people after bed time. They won’t miss what they don’t know you had.
- Shop for the cereal without the kids along. Buy the healthy stuff. Place all prepared food items (cereal, crackers, etc.) into clear storage bins. Food looks like food, not fun characters. Better yet, shop the bulk bins, cheaper, saves packaging, and none of those pesky licensed characters pimping sugar.
- Encourage that Mommy’s Helper “Housework is FUN!” stage for as looooong as you can. Make sure you use non-toxic cleaners, or natural options like vinegar and water. Seriously, mine drank out of the mop bucket.
Okay, so what’s your best trick? We have to stick together, you know …
[This post was written by Beth Bader.]
Great tips! I’m not a mom but I’d try them if I were! 🙂
Love these tips. Giving an either-or choice still works on my 3 year old. We’re potty training, and “do you want to go potty with mommy or daddy” is a highly successful tactic.
These ideas are hilarious. 🙂
Oh, great tips!
I dilute juice. My three-year-old started to catch on when she heard the sink running as I was getting her juice. So, when she’s asleep, I put half the juice in a clear glass carafe and then fill the glass carafe and juice container with water. When I pour her juice, I do it directly out of one of the containers so she sees that I didn’t add water to her cup. I think I can pull this off for another six months before she catches on completely. I wanted to avoid just almost completely. But, too many friends and swapped sippy cups did me in.