It’s interesting that Medela has never had a product that comes in contact with Mother’s Milk which contains BPA.
It’s exciting that they have a line of Nursing Camisoles.
It’s delightful that they’re pretty.
It’s thrilling that they’re giving one away to one EcoChildsPlay reader. Just thrilling.
As you probably know, bamboo fabric provides enhanced breathability, natural anti-bacterial properties as well as the ability to quickly absorb moisture. Additionally, many moms appreciate bamboo’s eco-friendly qualities — recognized as one of the fastest growing plants in the world, bamboo is extremely renewable and doesn’t require pesticides. It also helps replenish fresh air, producing more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. Additionally, the bamboo used in the Medela Nursing Camisole is Oeko-Tex certified ensuring environmentally-friendly practices.
“A mom who is just learning to breastfeed worries frequently about how she can breastfeed or pump easily and discreetly,” said Anne Ng’ang’a product manager of intimate apparel from Medela “Nursing camisoles are a great option for these moms. They make nearly any outfit breastfeeding-friendly and make it easy to express breastmilk without exposing the tummy.” Let me tell you something ladies, my “baby” is 7 years old, keeping my tummy covered is still a priority. This cami is cut long so that there’s no exposure between jeans and shirt.
Keeping modesty and support in mind, Medela designed its Nursing Camisole with an extra layer of fabric between the bra shelf and the outside layer. The Nursing Camisole features a scoop neck, comes in black and white and is offered in sizes ranging from small to extra large. It will be available in stores by the end of October at a suggested retail price of $44.99. (Shoot, quality isn’t cheap)
So, you want one and you know it. Be the first, be the envy of the La Leche League.
Here’s how.
- Comment here and pick your color, black or white (your size can stay secret) remember you need to enter your email address in the comment form or I can’t tell you that you won. This will get you one entry.
- For two additional entries post a link to this giveaway on your facebook or twitter page
- For three additional entries post a link to this contest on your blog and be sure to link back here.
Be sure to chronicle your entries in the comments.
All entries must be in by noon, Wednesday October 22nd. After that time, slips of paper will be drawn from a hat, either by my child or my dog, whomever is better behaved that day.
Good luck! And be sure to thank Medela for supporting nursing moms everywhere (literally and figuratively)
Jessica, you rock. My bed sheets are a bamboo cotton blend and I love them, I would love to have this nursing top in time for my second baby, due November 5th, the day after my bday! I have some nursing attire from my last pregnancy but having another top or two would be nice. And I like black, its a nice slimming color.
Oooh! I like it! I would want one in black.
I’d love one in black.
I also Tweeted about this giveaway AND put it on my Facebook status & feed.
My bamboo/cotton sheets are so soft. I would really like to try the black nursing tank.
well, considering I just found out I’m preggers w/ #2 (after nursing #1 for 18 months)….a black one would be fabu!
Love this! I would like one in white.
And I posted a link to this contest on my facebook page.
i had a bamboo long-sleeved nursing blouse that I loved last winter! I’d *heart* a cami in black. Thanks so much!
What an awesome idea! I love black.
I would love this in black! As an extended nursing mom (first baby went 3.5 years, this one is 1 and still going strong!) I go through nursing clothes and bras pretty frequently and love Medela’s quality. The bamboo sounds interesting!
I would like one in black.
Blogged here:
I don’t have a facebook or twitter, so I’ll have to settle for one entry. Either color would be great. . . my 3rd is due in December. !
I would love the black one; i’d wear it with a blue jean miniskirt and leggings!
Wow, that is pretty! And I am in the market for some nursing garb — that black cami would be great for me under a jacket or sweater.
ooooh – i could use a white one – nursing my third as we speak (er…type). blogged it at and twittered at
The black would be my choice. I had a few nursing tank tops when my daughter was little and they all disapeared. I think they got left in a dryer at the laundromat.
Please enter me! I would love a chance to win one in black!
thanks for such a generous giveaway
Thanks for running this contest, I could really use a new tank!! I’d like a white one. I linked to the contest on my website.
white – I am still lacking any decent nursing attire, since things went so horribly with my first. This time around, we’re already at 4 1/2 months & no signs of slowing down. Maybe it’s time to buy some nursing bras that fit properly!
I am breasrfeeding my 2nd baby and would love to try this shirt in black
This is beautiful. I’m done nursing (after 6 kids, 15 years!) but my daughter has a very beautiful little girl who’s really attached to Momma.
My daughter would probably like black…it shows the assorted adventures a little hands a bit less!!
Thanks for the intro to something new and different!
radmama at gmail dot com
Nursing baby 3. baby 2 is almost 10 years old, so all my previous nursing clothes are long gone.
A black tank top would be lovely!
What a great giveaway! I’m pregnant with my first… only 4 more weeks! I’d love one of these in black.
Love bamboo clothes and in a maternity line – that’s just fabulous! Would love one in black.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
callmeabookworm AT gmail DOT com
From the Reviews/Giveaways blog
A Bookworm(Mom)’s Diary
I’ve blogged it here –
Thanks for this great giveaway!
callmeabookworm AT gmail DOT com
From the Reviews/Giveaways blog
A Bookworm(Mom)’s Diary
Wow – thanks Medela for making this camisole! With my baby due in 1.5 weeks, I would sure love to win this!! lisae819(at)yahoo(dot)com
Yes please! I could use this. Would love one in black. I am currently nursing a voracious one month old!
This is great. I would love black
I would love a black one!
That is great!!! I would love a black one!!
i like it very much!!! my best friend is now 5 months pregnant and i would be very pleased to give it to her!!! i think she’d prefer the black one, which will suit perfectly her blonde hair!!!!
I currently use Bravado’s but would love to give Medela a try, especially the bamboo fabric line. I would prefer the white color. Thanks!
I have a 1 year old I just finished nursing and #2 due in February… needless to say I’d love one in white!
I am going to need this in a couple months!! Thanks for a great giveaway. I would choose… black.
Oh, I would love this in black.
Off to twitter it too!
Black please!
I would love it in black, it sounds like a great product!
I’d like black but the size is secret (sorry).
Would totally want the black. And I second the keeping the tummy covered part.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win the one in black! Thanks!
Linked on facebook:
I’ve also blogged:
Please enter me in for 6 entries.
This looks like a great camisole, I would love one in white!
I’d like a black one
ohhh…just in time for the new little one coming in december! white, please!
Would like a black one.
I would love one in black. My little girl just turned a year and is still extremely fond of nursing… which is good as I’m in no hurry to cut her off.
Linked on my blog:
Would love one in black! I’m expecting my first baby soon.
A great find….nursing tops are so useful, and the tanks are especially versatile. I would wear this out in white, and likely purchase another in black once I fell in love…..
i would also love one in black. thanks for the great giveaways!
Sounds tasty! I will have to try it!
Oh this would be so nice… my small town has no place that sells maternity clothes let alone nursing clothes. I have to drive a full hour to get to a store that does. I would love one in black.
bamboo is very beautiful, i very love it and products made of bamboo,around my hometown,all is bamboo