Generation Green: The Ultimate Teen Guide to Living an Eco-Friendly Life
by Linda Sivertsen and her teen son, Tosh, is a great guide to help teens go green. It offers practical advice in an easy to read manner that doesn’t preach or talk down. This is a great way to get your teen on boardĀ about going green .
You know, everyone focuses on greening your baby, greening the little ones, going green while you’re pregnant, but what about the teenagers? It’s not too late to get them into the green scheme of things. Sure teenagers may put up more of a fight about the change or they may even seem against it, but through proper encouragement they may even like it. It may make them feel better about themselves to know that every little bit matters, that they can make a difference.
Generation Green is a greatĀ place to start. Maybe you have no idea where to begin with them or how to talk to them without sounding preachy. Grab a copy of this book and go for it. It will even make a great Christmas present.
I really love that the author and her teenage son wrote this book together. It makes it more credible for teens who read it knowing that another teenager just like them is green and wants to help them go green as well.
So if you have a teen and have been trying to get them to live a more eco-friendly life but haven’t been having much luck, maybe this book can open their eyes a bit.
[This post was written by Wenona Napolitano.]
My Teen is pretty green, because she actually thinks I’m kind of “cool”. She is constantly trying to convince her friends that being green = being awesome. This book may find its way to a few teens on our Holiday list!