Today the POWER bill arrived. (Can you hear the spooky music in the background… maybe something like the Twilight Zone theme.)
This was the largest power bill our household has EVER had.
Hubs was screeching “Why?”, “Oh, would someone just tell me WHY?”. I’m not sure I know why, but I have a theory.
We had three full weeks off school (instead of the normal two weeks in December) and extremely cold temperatures with lots of snow. In addition to our heat pump having to work harder to maintain a daily temperature, we also had kids in and out all day long and more warm baths to warm up frigid hands and feet. So, combine colder than normal weather, more people home all day and constant going in and out to play in the snow… and what do you get? More energy seepage/waste and therefore a higher utility bill.
While I can accept that our bill will naturally come back down to a normal level for the month of January, I’ve also implemented some changes we are going to work on. Many of these items are reminders because over time we start getting a little lax.
- Reduce heat to 62 degrees at night (Hubs has been cold lately and keeping it higher).
- Keep heat at 66-67 degrees during the daytime when people are home.
- Keep blankets out on couches to snuggle with and dig out slippers.
- Turn the thermostat down to 60 when no one is home and 55 if we are gone overnight.
- Check temperature on water heater to insure it is at 115-120 degrees.
- Set shower timer for kids and implement shower schedule.
- Younger kids share shower time and can have plug in to play in water after its turned off.
- Unplug all appliances (toaster, coffee maker, etc…) when not in use.
- Turn surge protector/power strips off at night (for TV, Computer, etc…).
- Unplug cell phone chargers unless a phone is charging.
- Wash ALL laundry on cold.
- Clean dryer lint trap after each load and start dryer on 30 minute cycles, adding time in 10 minute intervals as needed.
- Run dishwasher on energy saving mode (short cycle) with air dry option.
- Reinforce lights off during the day and when leaving a room.
I hope to see not only a return to our normal power usage, but perhaps a dip below that. We are constantly looking for ways to use less energy. If you have ideas, please share in the comments!
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