The Coca-Cola Company has been served notice of a class action lawsuit filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) over the deceptive and unsubstantiated claims on its VitaminWater line of beverages.
“Coke fears, probably correctly, that they’ll sell less soda as Americans become increasingly concerned with obesity, diabetes, and other conditions linked to diets too high in sugar. VitaminWater is Coke’s attempt to dress up soda in a physician’s white coat. Underneath, it’s still sugar water, albeit sugar water that costs about ten bucks a gallon.” – Steve Gardner, CSPI litigation director
Coke makes dramatic health claims in its advertising, including the assertion that the drinks will reduce the risk of chronic disease, promote healthy joints, and support optimal immune function. The drinks are then marketed as a healthy alternative to soda by labeling them with healthy buzz words such as “defense,” “rescue,” “energy,” and “endurance,” but contain less than 1% fruit juice and have a whopping 33 grams of sugar in each one.
According to CSPI nutritionists, the amount of sugar in each bottle does more to promote obesity, diabetes, and other health problems than the vitamins in the drinks do to benefit your body as claimed on the bottles.
“My advice to consumers is to get your vitamins from real food. If you have reason to believe you have a shortcoming of one vitamin or another, perhaps take an inexpensive supplement. But don’t seek out your vitamins in sugary soft drinks like Coke’s VitaminWater.” – Michael F. Jacobson, CSPI executive director
If you think VitaminWater is a good healthy treat for you and your family, perhaps it’s time to reconsider.
Image: carolyn.will at Flickr under Creative Commons License
Truthfully I never read the shit they put on those labels, that is except for the nutritious facts. If you believe major companies now-a-days you are a fucking moron.
I do drink this though because for me I get sweet cravings and it is a better tasting choice then most and healthier for me and my teeth then soda.
Overall a good article showing how stupid Americans can be when it comes to believing in shit.
Hello Dereck.
I’m not sure that Americans are more concerned but perhaps becoming more aware.
Most don’t bother with information of this sort but prefer to sit and watch TV and see what Oprah, Jerry Springer et al have to say and do.
Education is the way to go and thank you for your revealing article but I’m afraid its wasted on those who can’t be bothered.
With money becoming harder and harder to come by watch how cheap convienient fast foods type pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs and soda become even more popular.
I don’t believe that the establishment want to cure obesity. It’s far too profitable. Take care and stay healthy. The Baldchemist
Thanks for posting this, Derek. For many I know, these drinks were alternatives to the HFCS-laden Gatorade, juices, and sodas. I heard a news report recently that showed that they contribute to obesity b/c (as you mentioned with the sugar thing) of high calories. Also, let’s not forget that each of these bottles has about 2.5 servings, but most kids and adults alike are guzzling it as though it’s a one serving treat.
Never leave home w/o my Mason jar full of it, which in my neck of the woods looks like moonshine!
In our house, to cut back on juice intake (which is healthy, but calorie-rich if you’re drinking it exclusively), we make herbal tea and mix that with fruit juices.
There’s also this drink…it’s called water.
Great post! This news needs to spread!
who cares! it’s tasty!
Wait, Vitamin water isn’t ACTUALLY healthy!?!?!?!?!?! HOLY SHIT THEY’VE CRACKED THE CASE.
It’s not supposed to be healthy you obese bastards who are on your 5th hamburger but still contend that’s its hereditary, it’s supposed to taste good.
Im guilty of drinking quite a few of these in the past. I preferred them just because I felt hydrated after I drank one, unlike gatorade.
Though, after keeping close track of my migraine outbreaks, it seems Vitamin water is guilty.
Too much vitamins at one time? Loads of sugar? Weird body response? there something else in those bottles..
I bet you 50 Cent is glad he sold his share quick
your are a stupid american. you think that vitamin water is better than soda?
what did the article just say? AS MUCH SUGAR AS SODA.
the only difference between the two is carbonation. carbonation is nul for your health.
it is NOT healthier than soda, rather its a fancy sugar water.
Dear sage, you are a troll and a moron. Coke contains phosphoric acid, which eats your enamel as fast as it dissolves raw meat. Try knowing before you go blowing.
Yes we are all stupid americans…. Its starting to get old, especially when you consider we all came from the European countries you guys still live in! We are so inferior. The truth is john made a good point, who reads the advertising that the super conglomerates put on the side of their own bottles? Fuck that, read the nut. facts. Eh fuck this anyways
I drink a lot of water and bout 1 time every two weeks I treat myself with vitamin water. Could it hurt me?
No, it won’t hurt you once every two weeks. In fact, most things, including soda, won’t cause the body significant harm at such an infrequent interval. The issue here is that Vitamin Water has been marketed successfully as a healthy drink and a healthy alternative to soda. So, it makes it seem like avid soda drinkers can just replace their Coke with Vitamin Water and then make massive health gains. But, the truth is, drinking Vitamin Water regularly and making it part of your daily diet is not a healthy choice, because of it’s high content of processed sugar. The added vitamins make it marginally better than soda but it can still be very damaging to the body if taken habitually. But, if you really like it, you can continue treating yourself every two weeks and be assured that no significant harm will come from it . Just keep in mind it’s a treat for your taste buds, not for the rest of your body.
First of all I would like to point out that we are all adults here and it’s sad that we can’t even carry out a conversation without calling each other stupid. If someone says something “stupid” and it seems they don’t know the information, it’s probably why they are on this website, Nicely inform them and go on with your day. Your negative attitudes are exhausting.
Also…I thought for sure Vitamin water was too good to be true and turns out that it is. I’m very disappointed. Boo you big corporations!!! Can’t trust anyone these days. It’s sad when money come before health