I’ve long been a fan of ECOBAGS®, so I was excited to see their adorable natural Loofah Art scrubbers.
Loofah-Art® products are completely eco-friendly, 100% bio-degradable and fabricated from a sustanable agricultural crop. Natural scrubbers for your natural home. Delightful designs for your kitchen and bath. Did you know that Loofah is a plant? The loofah used in all of these whimsically designed scrubbers has been naturally grown and processed.
At only $3.99 for a pair of ECOBAGS® loofah scrubbers, these cuties are affordable. Loofah is great for both the kitchen and personal care. In the kitchen, loofah scrubbers clean stubborn pots and pans, but they are gentle enough to wash fruits and vegetables. In the bathroom, loofah scrubbers exfoliate and encourage new cell growth.
From penguins to bananas, ECOBAGS® loofah scrubbers are sure to delight your children and motivate them to help you clean in the kitchen or practice good hygiene in the bathroom. I know my kids love them!
Ijust looked at the web site, and they seem to be $3.99 each – with a minimum order of 2.
oops, thanks Marla.
I have been using similar animal shaped loofah sponges that I found at the Natural Bath & Body Shop. My nieces and nephews love them. They also have a large selection of natural sea sponges you may find interesting.