I always intended to get Layla the Haba Baby Walker Wagon, but starting at $150; it was an expensive purchase that I hesitated over. I am so happy I hesitated, because I came across Plan Toys baby walker that we totally love {great sustainable and safe toy company}. The Plan Toys baby walker is sustainable, because its material is composed of all natural Organic recycled Rubber Wood. The traditional walker is sturdy, comes in natural and primary colors to encourage visual play, and best of all; it also comes with a set of 24 very substantial and colorful blocks. This is the PERFECT toy for budding walkers, but can also be great for toddlers too.
Some of the features of the Plan Toys Baby Walker:
- There are two adjustable height for infants as well as for toddlers.
- And I mentioned previously, it does come with a set of blocks. If you have seen how much a set of blocks costs these days; you know that this is a huge perk. These are some serious blocks and very large sized; so no worries about a choking hazard. If the walker does not; then the blocks will provide entertainment for hours. Block toys are one the greatest toys to encourage learning and creativity.
- Made in Thailand out of sustainable and recycled rubber wood
- Has gotten accolades from other moms which is always reassuring
Plan Toys Baby walker is a traditional walker that is much safer and a more natural alternative to those plasticized baby walkers that can cause great harm. “Nearly half of the children who use the walkers get injured.” said Dr. Joan Shook, chief of the Emergency Medicine Service at Texas. Despite continued warnings from physicians and safety advocates about the dangers of baby walkers, 90 percent of children under age two are still put in them. As a result, nearly 20,000 children are treated in emergency rooms each year for baby walker-related injuries {Kidsafe}
Layla loves playing with the Plan Toys Baby walker. Initially, she used it to clutch onto when she was learning how to walk. With a pressure knobs on the wheels; parents can set how fast the wheels can turn {a great feature and safety measure}. Now that she’s a confident toddler {and a sprinter}; she uses it to roll her toys around or even herself around. She also does use it to climb onto things, but we are heavily discouraging that.
The only downside that I see if that it’s difficult to wheel around on the carpet. Otherwise this is the perfect toy that your baby will love for years. Not the kind that you wonder why you purchased it in the first place. You can get one at Hazlenut Kids {excellent source for natural and green toys} for $75. They offer $5.95 shipping and loyalty rewards program {which I totally dig}.
[This post was written by Susie Kim.]
We also have this baby walker and my 11 month old loves it. She’s just now learning to walk and she loves pulling up onto it and charging ahead. The blocks are also a big hit. She loves to put them all out and bang them around.
I am always weary of purchasing toys because Layla doesn’t end up playing with 90% of them. {and honestly we don’t get her a lot} This one was a hitter and we love it. She’s almost 15 months and she still plays with it. I am glad your little one is enjoying it as much as we do.
We LOVED our blocks too, unfortunately, Abby the wonder dog thought the blocks were hers and chewed them up… so alas.. no more blocks for us.
Thanks for the tips. These symptoms to watch out for in children are really helpful. My husband was diagnosed with sleep apnea a year or two ago and I have heard that it often runs in families. I am a little bit concerned that our children might have it as well. Now I know more about what to look for Child Sleep Solution