In an unprecedented move, one of the lead researchers who tested Gardasil has spoken out against the vaccine.
Dr. Diane Harper tested Gardasil through Phases II and III of the trials and was part of the media blitz behind it, publicly touting its ability to prevent HPV.
But now, she cautions parents to be well aware of the risks and effectiveness before they decide their daughters should get the shot, according to CBS.
The rate of serious adverse events on par with the death rate of cervical cancer. Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year.
Indeed, she says the vaccine is only effective for 5 years, giving no reasons for the public to routinely vaccinate 11-year-olds. She says the benefits would only come in handy with a vaccination that would last 15 years or so.
Currently, routine Pap smears will detect precancerous cells. Paps (named for the human papillomavirus, or HPV) have played a huge part in lowering the rate of cervical cancer deaths. HPV remains a leading cancer death for women in developing countries.
The number of women who die from cervical cancer in the US every year is small but real. It is small because of the success of the Pap screening program.
Right now, the CDC continues to recommend the HPV vaccine for young girls, and as I posted earlier this week, some states, like Virginia, are requesting that all girls entering the 6th grade receive the Gardasil shot.
Gardasil protects against two types of HPV that are responsible for approximately 60% of cervical cancer cases, as well as two types that cause “lesions” (genital warts).
But to the families of the girls who have had serious side affects from the vaccine, the risk of getting the shot is very real. One parent commented,
Merck got it right when they used the slogan “One Less” for Gardasil. Because of Gardasil, my daughter was “One Less”. She was “One Less Student”, “One Less Active Child”, “One Less in every aspect of her life”.
Merck, the drugmaker that has aggressively promoted their HPV vaccine, continues to claim Gardasil is safe and effective. Earlier this year, the FDA had the company add the side effects, “fainting, tonic-clonic reactions, and seizures” in the package warnings.
Harper urges families to research before they decide whether girls should receive the shot.
If we vaccinate 11-year-olds and the protection doesn’t last… we’ve put them at harm from side effects, small but real, for no benefit. The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers, they are just postponed, unless the protection lasts for at least 15 years, and over 70% of all sexually active females of all ages are vaccinated.
Image: yanivba on Flickr under a Creative Commons License.
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AWESOME ARTICLE! My child was injured by Gardasil and has been “ONE LESS” in all aspects of her life for the past year. Take it from a parent who has had to explain to her 13 year old daughter why she could not longer see her friends, attend school, attend church, etc. because she became so sick after being vaccinated with Gardasil that her life became a constant trip to hospitals and doctor’s offices. For the past year, she has been treated by both Wake Forest Baptist Brenner’s Children’s Hospital and Duke University Children’s Hospital at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars. No child should have to go through this. It is not worth it. Many young women have died. The government tracking system VAERS is not used as it should be. The #’s of adverse effects are grossly understated. I had to explain to my doctors what VAERS is and demand that my daughter’s reports be filed in VAERS. Even though she is currently listed as one of the disabled in VAERS it was up to me to ensure that she was even entered in the system. The FDA and CDC need to investigate this vaccine and pull it off the market before more children are injured and killed. Parent’s before you risk harming your child with this vaccine which is made by Merck, all I ask you to do is investigate. Would you buy a car without investigating the manufacturer? I wouldn’t think so. IF the manufacturer had a history of building cars in which the engine would blow in less than a year, would you still purchase from them. Well look at this as a consumer and investigate Merck’s former drugs. A good example is VIOXX. Just research it and then make your decision. Look how many years it was on the market and how many people died before it was pulled off. I wish I had known this before my daughter was vaccinated. I can assure you as a consumer, I would not have purchased a product from a company with a history such as Merck’s. Just GOOGLE and make the decision for yourself. At least you now know to INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU VACCINATE. Your precious child’s life may depend on it.
Thank you for this article and thank you to Diane Harper for coming out so strongly against this vaccine. It is a bad vaccine! My daughter had pneumonia, hair loss, migraines, and menopausal symptoms after the vaccine. She has been hospitalized twice for dehydration. Check the VAERS site … you will see so many similar side effects that it would be unconscionable to give any more girls this vaccine. Perhaps there is a heredity connection (a vitamin deficiency) … Merck should be looking into that possibility instead of trying new ways to market this product for the sake of $$$$$. Please investigate any vaccine – including the new H1N1 prior to getting it. Your life may be at stake. Most days I wonder how long the side effects will last and if my daughter will get through this long-term. How do you think that makes me feel as a parent who wanted my daughter to have the vaccine?!
Prior to Gardasil, I had no previous known illnesses or behavioral issues, except for an occasional migraine headache. I had no complications whatsoever with IUD or menstrual cycle until after I had my first Gardasil shot (lot 1758U) on April 28, 2008 – IUD removed October 2008. My second Gardasil vaccination (lot 0651X) was on January 8, 2009 and I had this along with a tetanus shot. My symptoms include: 30 lbs unexplained weight loss. Hair falling out in clumps and migraines. Would have sudden sharp pains all over my body, which are most intense in my head, abdomen and legs. Earaches and frequent ear popping. Pain and stiffness in elbows, knees, wrists and ankles and a numbness in my face including lips, nose and cheeks. Pressure in sinuses, stiffness and tightening in my neck. Vision problems including double vision, blurred vision, light auras, difficulty focusing and pain/pressure in and around my eyes. Frequent muscle spasms all over and a weakness/numbness/tingling in arms and pains in legs. Weak to no reflexes in my left elbow and right knee. Chest pains and tightness. Sharp shooting pains in pelvic area/vaginal areas. Menstrual irregularity and heaviness with pain in lower back. Cramps/Charlie horses in legs and feet and also cold hands and feet and also experiencing tremors in my legs. Severe anxiety issues, causing my heart to race/blood pressure to increase; anger and irritability issues. I am unable to concentrate for any length of time. The sensation to urinate comes on strong and it feels like I am going to lose control and am left with a feeling of incomplete urination.
Gardasil has completely changed my life. Before Gardasil, I never had a pain that I could not explain. For a year now I have been in and out of doctors offices desperately searching for an answer. I am no longer able to perform my job the way I used to. Before Gardasil, I was enrolled in college with a 4.0 and now I cannot even finish a book I am just trying to enjoy. I feel like I am not giving my son and fiancé the time they deserve from me, because I am too tired, in too much pain, or because I am at the doctor’s office. I just want to be myself again and enjoy every moment of being a mom, but everyday it feels like I am falling further away from the “old me” or the “me before Gardasil.”
feel free to email me at
My 16 year old daughter was also injured from the Gardasil vaccine. This vaccine was literally pushed on us during a routine dr. visit. My daughter had 2 of the 3 injections, January 9th, 2009 and March 9th, 2009. Since receiving these 2 injections, my once happy and healthy 16 year old daughter now has overall weakness, numbness and tingling in both legs and left arm, severe back pain, pressure headaches, vision problems, back pain, neck pain, stomach problems, nausea, diarhea, weight loss, hair loss, brain fog, mood changes, racing heartbeat, chest pains just to name a few. She went from an A/B student to failing her 10th grade year. She has been rushed to the ER 3 times because of breathing problems. We have been in and out of doctors offices trying to find the cause. She has had CT scans and full blood panel workups only to have all test results come back normal.
The FDA fast tracked this vaccine. Us mothers are not told of the side effects.
If I had known that Merck was the manufacturer of Gardasil I would have NOT agreed to vaccinate my daughter.
I wish I had said NO until I could research this further. The guilt is overwhelming.
I fear my daughter will die in her sleep. She is scared to death! She cries all the time, saying “why me mom?…why me?”
This vaccine needs to be pulled! There is no documented proof that Gardasil prevents cervical cancer!
If an over-the-counter drug has any side effects, the FDA jumps all over it! But we have literally THOUSANDS of young girls becoming paralyzed, having grand-mal seizures, paralysis, blood clots and death!
Why isn’t something being done?
As a mother, I will not stop until Gardasil is removed from the market and Merck is made to pay for what they have done!!!
My daughter and I too have been affected by Gardasil. She has struggled with chronic pancreatitis and emotional problems, neurological affects since March of 2009. According to VAERS there are over 30 other cases of pancratitis and a few in Austrialia as well, the percentage of reports run about 10% of actual occurances. She can not go to school full time, she is in and out of the hospital, she has had two surgeries, and may be becoming diabetic. The tail of her pancreas was removed and there is scarring and atrophy. She has lesions in the white matter of her brain, trouble concentrating, severe depression and mood swings. Before Gardasil she was a straight A student, active in church and softball, a happy well adjusted 13 year old with no health problems. Gardasil has changed our life, and not in a good way. Please research prior to vaccination. These types of illnesses are preventable, if only I had not put blind faith in the CDC and FDA my child would still be on the fast track to success rather than merely another victim of BIG PHARMA.
My name is Macy, I’m 17 years old. I was a perfectly healthy teenage girl, I was in cheerleading and loved going out with my friends. But all that changed after i got my second Gardasil Vaccaine. I got my second shot on March 9, 2009. I though I was being responsible getting this shot. Four days later I was having terrible heachaches, the worst I have ever had before in my life and was always fatiqued.Within 2 weeks I was having non-epiletic seizures,tremors,numbness and pain in all my extremeties.I has been hospitalized twice with still no answers along With nurmerious trips to the ER, and Doctors blow it off and just give me more pain medincine . All the doctors I have seen will not admit Gardisil is doing this to girls. I have seen numerious docotrs and only one considered Gardasil is doing this, and that was at Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital.I just wish doctors would research all the girls that are going through this. Yes, i know everything has risks but I was not warned about all the side effects. I was told I may be SLIGHLY fatiqued and have soreness around the injection sight. Never did I dream I would soon be having all theses problems.There are mornings that I can barely get out of the bed, my hair is falling out in clumps and I has lost 40 lbs.This has been a nightmare.I missed the whole second semester of my junior year and almost my first prom. It has been five months and I still have terrible headaches and servere pain in my back and neck, and I am trying my hardest to make it through my senior year, but it just started and I have already missed so many days. Now hositpal homebound may be a option for my senior year. I’m supposed to be having the time of my life right now and now this has affected everything. I wanna go off to college and the fear of not being healthly enough scares me. I was thrilled to see it on all the local networks (CBS, NBC, AND ABC) evening news, and the morning shows. Please do more research before getting your child vaccainated with this Vacine. It scares me that you can be as young as 12 years old and go to your local health department and get this vaccince, even without parents consent. My family has been through so much, and thats why we are now saying NO to Gardasil. So please research before even considering this “great new vaccine”, because now i am “one less” girl being able to live my life,thanks to Gardasil.
You should check out the National Vaccine Information Center. There is a letter from a doctors to re-evaluate the vaccine issue.
@ Marie: Thank you for the clarification. I suppose my most recent doctor and midwife are equally clueless, as both told me that on separate occasions!
I want to take a minute to thank all of the families for sharing their very personal stories with us. You’ve brought many tears with this! Thank you for making news real to us. I am so sorry for what you’ve gone through.
Please educate before considering this vaccine.
Our daughter had severe stomach pains, migraine headachs, severe fatigue. We thought it was due to her schedule of working and going to college.
I spoke with her that morning and two hrs later my beautiful daughter of 20 yrs had died. She had had the Gardasil vaccine and the pathologist could not find the cause of death. She was very healthy and happy. Merck got it right-WE ARE ONE LESS!!!
This is no game and all of these parents that are making comments are not putting it out there
just to scare you, we want you to know that there is something wrong with this vaccine in some young women. It needs to be investigated before there are any more that will become injured or worse, die.
My daughter was once a vibrant, healthy college student until a former family physician pressured, then frightened her into taking Gardasil. She received two of the three shots and began to have seizures, blurred vision/abnormal pupil response, head pressure, swelling at the base of her skull & down her spine, GI tract issues – lost a lot of weight, hair loss, intense nerve pain, peripheral neuropathy in both legs (no feeling from the knees down)& must use cuff crutches & wheelchair to get around. Her constant physical agony keeps her mostly bedridden, in a darkened room. She struggles to do anything considered normal – we would love to see her health return.. instead she is ONE LESS college student, one Less driver, one Less active life. The FDA needs to pull this vaccine before it destroys anymore lives.
Pap smears are not called “paps” because of the papilloma virus. The screening test is named after George Papanicolaou, the Greek physician who developed it.
My daughter is not old enough for the vaccine, and I said I would not get it for her just because of the way they campaigned it so hard.
They bill it as a cure for cervical cancer, but it’s not, it’s vaccine for a virus that only causes part of cervical cancer. I also said it simply hasn’t been tested long enough to study the side effects.
These are just the immediate ones. What are the long term side effects? What are we doing to see in women who got the shot 20 years from now? What will the effect be on their children (assuming they can have them)?
Thanks. I’ll take my girl to the doctor for regular screening, not get some miracle shot.
My 17 year old daughter was also injured by the Gardasil vaccine. She received her first shot (and only) on 4/23/09 and on 4/24/09 she started having symptoms. Initially she had dizziness, nausea and abdominal pain. These persisted and then she started having severe headaches, numbness and tingling, stabbing nerve pain, muscle weakness so severe that her legs could not support her body, extreme fatigue, skin sensitivity, back pain, chest pain, shortness of breath. The longer the vaccine was in her body, the sicker she was getting. She was diagnosed in June by the Neurologist with peripheral neuropathy as a direct result of the Gardasil vaccine. She has lost 4 months – and counting – of her life. I am just so thankful that she started having symptoms the day after the vaccine so that I could make the connection between the two or else she would have had the next shot in the series and she might literally be “One Less”!
Merck needs to recall this vaccine!
Thank you Diane Harper for your comments on HPV and Gardasil.
“ONE LESS” has been mentioned by one of the writers. Our family is also “ONE LESS”. Jessie had all three shots of Gardasil. After the second shot she and her mother notices the headaches, Muscle aches, and fatigue. Jessie was taken to the doctor that gave her the Gardasil. The doctor said it was just stress. Jessie was a cheerleader; a member of the National Honor Society, Played many sports and was practicing for softball, which was about to start.
Jessie went with her mother on February 20, 2008 for the third shot of Gardasil. The next night she told her mother that the headache was back and went to bed. Her mother went to work early the next day and upon returning home from work found Jessie dead. She had been dead for several hours. The medical examiner said, “She was dead before she hit the floor”. Still he could find no cause for her death.
Gardasil was typed into the computer and the nightmares that came up were shocking. We have been in contact with several families that have also lost their daughters to the vaccine that was to protect them. If we had only known that there were other side effects other than the few that were listed by Merck. Jessie would NEVER have received this wonder vaccine that is killing and maiming our girls.
Since Jessie’s death we have been researching and cannot believe that the FDA and the CDC have not pulled this product off the market. There are so many unanswered questions. The GRAY ZONES of risk were mentioned. They are calling all of the deaths 40 plus just in the U.S. that we know of, sheer coincidences. There have been 15,000 adverse reactions also reported just in the U.S. Statistics show that only 1%-10% is ever reported to VAERS, which is a very small percentage. Many families do not know to report the reactions or how to report them. It is not mandatory for doctors to report the adverse reactions so many doctors do not report them.
Should I go on? YES!!!
Gardasil trials by Merck brought many new medical conditions to many of the girls and women that were being used for the studies. This information is found on the FDA web site dated September 11, 2008. If you would like to look at it the information is on page 132 table 73 titled “New Medical Conditions.
HPV is a virus that the body can fight off over a period of time. The virus COULD cause cervical cancer, NOT WOULD cause cancer. In the U.S. cervical cancer is on the decline with the Pap test and other forms of detection. We do not have an epidemic of cervical cancer so why is Merck pushing to have every girl vaccinated. YOU GUESSED IT!!!! The answer is MONEY. Merck lost a lot of money with the drug VIOX. This drug was also killing people and had to be removed from the market. This is why my family and many others are fighting so hard to remove gardasil from the market. We do not want other families to suffer the loss of a child or have a daughter that is unable to function a normal life because of something that was suppose to keep her safe.
Please do not have your daughter vaccinated without researching Gardasil
A grandmother who knows.
My daughter has also been ONE LESS. She could not attend school her entire freshman year following just one injection. Gardasil is a series of three. Pain throughout her body, gastro-intestinal issues, migraines, numbness, confusion, seizures… She never had any health issues previously. Doctors have no idea how to help these girls. It is terrifying. Take your chances with HPV – do not subject your daughter to this vaccine. See how many suffer on petition asking that it be pulled until more study is conducted:
wow! ive had my doubts about this vaccine and definitely need to pass this on to my friends. I think I may put this link on my blog for all to see!!!
My daughter, Victoria, has been ill since Feb. 2008. She had her first Gardasil vaccination Nov. 2007. Her second vaccination was in the beginning of Feb. 2008. Immediately after her second vaccination, she had severe diarrhea and was nauseous for about eight weeks. She had blood work done many times and doctors thought she had a virus. On March 31, 2008, she had her first seizure. My daughter has had CT scans, MRI’s, MRA’s, EEG’s, blood work and was hospitalized at an epilepsy center in the video EEG monitoring unit for two separate weeks in May 2008 and September 2008. She was put on many different seizure medications. After the normal EEG results, she was taken off all medications. Her SED rate has always been high and she does have protein in her urine, but doctors do not seem concerned. I was told that her red blood are small, but this apparently is not concerning either. My daughter has been seen by several neurologists, a psychiatrist, psychologist, several neuropsychologists, an immunologist, several infectious disease doctors, and also treated a at Wellness Center for a period of time. My daughter currently experiences the following symptoms: non-epileptic seizures episodes, migraines, fainting, tremors, twitches, numbness, intermittent leg paralysis and facial paralysis, tingling, staring or blank episodes, eye pain, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, memory loss, confusion, brain fog, regression, mood swings and chronic fatigue. She continues to have bouts of nausea and diarrhea. She has not been in school since April 2008. My daughter can never be left home alone. She can’t go to school, go out with her friends or work or has little “normalcy” in her life. She has very few good days and always says she doesn’t feel good.
I do not know which way to turn for help. We have seen so many doctors and I can’t seem to find anyone willing to help my daughter. There are so many other young girls who have the same exact symptoms as my daughter and the one thing that all of the girls seem to have in common is the Gardasil vaccination.
Each night, I check on my daughter many times in the middle of the night to make sure she is still breathing (like we ALL did when they were babies). I have a chime on her bedroom door so that every time she opens it, I know she has walked out of her room. I had a deadbolt put on the front door of our home with a key that can be removed from the inside. I never leave the key in the door for fear that Victoria will be confused after a seizure or when she has memory loss, and leave our home. (This has happened many times and she has been missing). When she is in the shower, I have to either stand outside the door and/or keep asking her “are you okay?”
Everyday, I cry and wonder if Victoria will be next one to die from adverse reactions to Gardasil.
Please feel free to forward this information.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Jodi Speakman
(267) 939-0591
P.S. My daughter’s story is now posted on the NVIC website., on the cover of the Philadelphia Weekly and the Philadelphia Inquirer.
My 15-year-old daughter was also greatly affected by the Gardasil shot. Before this shot she was a healthy, athletic honor student who had all of high school years to look forward to. She received 2 of the 3 shots and immediately started having terrible headaches and stomaches. Exactly 2 months after the 2nd shot, she started having non-epileptic seizures resulting in a complete memory loss. After numerous visits to the ER, which they performed tons lab work, blood gas, mri, x-rays and a spinal tap, they were not able to find a cause for the seizures. They referred us to the childrens hospital in Salt Lake City where they admitted her overnight for an EEG. We saw 3 neurologists and 2 psychologists. Again, they were not able to find anything wrong. She continued to have daily seizures followed by memory loss, inability to wake up, migraine headaches, joint pain and stomache aches. She missed her last 5 months of her freshman year in high school. We started a homeopathic detox program this summer and immediately she started improving. Her memory loss has improved but she still suffers from the rest of the side effects. I am praying that the FDA will remove this shot before more girls suffer the same fate as my daughter has.
Everyone just calm down… in a generation or two most of the weak stock that has bad reactions to this vaccine will have been weeded out, and we won’t have to worry about it anymore! Let’s not leave everyone at a higher risk just because of a gross minority of genetic defectives.
My daughter, Victoria, has been ill since February 2008.
Here is some history. My daughter had her first Gardasil vaccination November 2007. Her second vaccination was in the beginning of February 2008. Immediately after her second vaccination, Victoria experienced severe diarrhea, vomiting and was nauseous for about eight weeks. She had blood work done many times and the pediatrician thought she had a virus. On March 31, 2008, she had her first seizure. My daughter has treated with many neurologists, all of whom have not related her seizures to Gardasil. Meanwhile, there are quite a few hundred people that I have found over the internet through my numerous postings and through Erin Brockovich, and their daughters are all experiencing the same symptoms, which occurred after the Gardasil vaccination. We have actually formed a group and share our daughters’ stories, symptoms and information. My daughter has had CT scans, MRI’s, MRA’s, EEG’s, blood work and was hospitalized at an epilepsy center in the video EEG monitoring unit for two separate weeks in May 2008 and September 2008. She was put on many different seizure medications. After the normal EEG results, she was taken off all medications. Her SED rate has always been high and she does have protein in her urine, but doctors do not seem concerned. I was told that her red blood are small, but this apparently is not concerning either. She is also slightly anemic.
My daughter has been seen by several neurologists, a psychiatrist, psychologist, several neuropsychologists, an immunologist, several infectious disease doctors, and also treated a at Wellness Center for a period of time. Wellness Center physicians believe that my daughter may have Lyme disease that was dormant until she was given the Gardasil vaccine. Infectious disease doctors differ. Which doctors are correct? I have no idea.
My daughter currently experiences the following symptoms: non-epileptic seizures, migraines, fainting, tremors, twitches, numbness, intermittent leg paralysis and facial paralysis, tingling, staring or blank episodes, eye pain, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, memory loss, confusion, brain fog, regression, mood swings and chronic fatigue. She continues to have bouts of nausea and diarrhea. She has not been in school since April 2008. My daughter can never be left home alone. She can’t go to school, go out with her friends or work or has little “normalcy” in her life. She has very few good days and always says she doesn’t feel good.
Please feel free to forward this information.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Jodi Speakman
(267) 939-0591
we need to hold these people accountable for there crimes against humanity. they need to be arrested. poisonous vaccines are being used to further the new world order’s eugenics agenda, it’s about world depopulation. John holdren the science “czar” publicly stated that he planned to use vaccines as weapons against the american people, as a way to reduce the population by steralization. the adjuvants in gaurdasil cause an immune response which leads to reproductive organ damage as well as other effects. this vaccine contains Mercury, fermaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, and as if those wern’t bad, squaline!!! squaline is SO TOXIC its unreal.
My daughter is 12 years old and she has the first and the second shot and now I am scared to death that it will hurt her. I am just now finding out all the side affects. Can some one tell me if any thing will happen with just two of the shots I am not getting to get the third shot for her. Right now she has not had any thing change and the only reason I got the shots for her is cause I had cancer when I was 16 years old it is hard to go through but I don’t want to lose my daughter. Please some respond to this letter I have 3 daughters 12yrs,10yrs,& 8yrs old………….
I had my first daughter vaccinated 2 years ago at age 12 with no problems. BUT, I have learned ALOT more since then. Had I known what all the true risks were, I would never have allowed it. When my second daughter, (currently 9) comes of age for this vaccination, I will give an all out NO. I risked one daughter and got lucky. I’m not going to press my luck.
I agree that we shouldn’t all just be so quick to RUN down there and get vaccines just because “they” say to…I’ve heard lots of medical issues that BEGAN AFTER getting vaccines. One person even had parents that didn’t want to ever use medications and were forced to get a vaccine by the school system. Sometimes I think it can do far more harm…test things out before giving to us so quickly.
nice information there! thanks for sharing! keep it up!
Very interesting Articles. Looking forward to read a lot more about the subject matter.